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    Networking with D-Link 624 router

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Pinco_Pallino, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. Pinco_Pallino

    Pinco_Pallino Notebook Enthusiast

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    I recently bought a D-Link 624 outer which is working fine for the wireless access for my notebook. Next thing I tried to do was to set up the network, but that did not work so smoothly: actually i didn't work at all!

    My computers do not see each other and I am wondering whether it is a problem with the dynamic IP addressing. Should I create fixed addresses or this is not really the issue?

    I have a XP-Pro notebook (Fujitsu S6210) and my desktop (WinMe) is linked to the router via Ethernet. I also plugged a DLink printer server on the router which works fine unless I switch on a VPN. But that's another story.

    Thank you for your insight

  2. Big Calhoun

    Big Calhoun Notebook Evangelist

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    I bought this router over the weekend to replace an aging LinkSys and to take advantage of 802.11g. Set-up was a snap...for me at least.

    When you say the computers can't see each other, do you mean you can't connect to the Internet or you're trying to use file sharing between two local machines? That would be two seperate issues.

    First you should go to the command prompt and type 'ipconfig /all'. Look for your wireless adapter and make sure you have an IP, DNS, Subnet mask, etc. If all of that is there, I'd try pinging a site to see if you're communicating out.

    Next, I'd make sure of the security settings on my wireless card and router. One common thing is sometimes encryption (WEP, WPA) will be enabled on the router, but not on the wireless card...or vice versa. You want to be certain that they both are set to off or on. The router came with encryption off by default, some cards come with encryption on by default.

    I'd also check the cables are seated properly. One issue I did run into was after changing my settings, my computer wasn't communicating with the router. This was solved by turning off my cable modem and router, turn the router on first, and then the cable modem. I also noticed with the DLink that you have to apply the settings after each screen for them to be saved. Can't remember if I had to do that with the LinkSys.
  3. Pinco_Pallino

    Pinco_Pallino Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks Big Calhoun,

    the Internet connection works fine. It's the networking among cmnputers (and the annoyance with the printer on my desktop, which would not work if I have the VPN on) that is a mess.

    I have tried several times to run the wizard (I even did the WinMe once to see whether I could solve the problem) but I wasn't able to get it done. Sometimes my Fujitsu would 'see' the desktop but would not be able to access it (a message says access denied, or semething like that).

    I have even bought a couple of books...

    I realize I may have too spary in details.

    Here are some:

    - 1 desktop Compaq with WinME connected to the DI-624 via Ethernet
    - 1 Fujitsu 6210 WinPro Notebook connected wirelessly
    - 1 HP laserjet 1100 Printer with a D Link Ethernet Print Server connected to the DI-624 with Ethernet
    - I use a Cisco VPN on both computers to connect to my work

    Maybe there is something very easy to do, but who knows what? One thing I am not certain about is whether I need to assign a fix IP to the computers I want to connect. I guess not, since the DCHCP should do the job, but I haven't seen anywhere a definite answer to that. The D-624 manual describes how to do it, but does not specify whether it is necessary.

    Thanks again for some insight

  4. Pinco_Pallino

    Pinco_Pallino Notebook Enthusiast

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    I believe I have found the trick: my Zonealarm firewall was silently blocking every attempt to access the desktop (which it is supposed to do). But having disabled the alerts, I wasn't seeing the problem.

    Here is how it works: in Firewall tab I selected the zone tab and left clicked on my Ethernet adapter to add a range of IP Addresses, and entered the range for the DLink.

    Now I can access the desktop from my notebook, and share the files. The connection speed (at 54 mbps, not 108, since I do not have a Dlink card) is so good that you can even watch a short movie. I haven't tried a DVD but this will be next.

    Hopefully I will be able to copy folders and files with Second Copy so that I have everything available when traveling. I'll let you know if there is any other problem.

    Now I still have to solve the problem of the conflict between the VPN and the DLink printer server on the desktop (not on the notebook...).

    Best to all and hope this will help some and thank you Big for the advice (it was alfter all a security issue).

  5. Big Calhoun

    Big Calhoun Notebook Evangelist

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    File sharing in Windows is not my strength. I've gotten it to work a few times (not without some frustration) but prefer using external storage.

    From what I do remember...your machines should not need static IP addresses. They do need to have the same Workgroup name. You also need to select what folders you want to make available for sharing. Once that is done, I think all you need to do is map the drives from Explorer and you can check the setting 'reconnect at logon' so you don't always have to manually add them.

    I'm pretty sure someone more familiar with it will offer some insight. In the meantime, google for Windows, workgroup, and file sharing and you should find plenty of help.
  6. Pinco_Pallino

    Pinco_Pallino Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hey folks,

    still some problems with my network confirguration. I haven't been able to solve the problem of the conflict with the VPN (when VPN runs the desktop disappears from the network, but it still can access Internet through the router).

    The D-link manual says that one should set a different IP Address for the VPN (outside the range of the router): I have tried it (and also let my firewall consider the new address as trusted) but it did not work and I even lost my Internet connection. In general their manual is good but here it lacks some details, I guess. The same problem occurs with the printer server: with VPN no printing...

    This might be a little too tricky and I can only hope that some networking guru stumbles on this message.



    BTW the rest of the set-up works fine and I am happy to have the Second-Copy software.Bye