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    Netgear WNR-1000 & Page load time outs

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Larmie1997, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. Larmie1997

    Larmie1997 Notebook Geek

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    Alright, a couple of weeks ago, I was doing some network maintenance on our old lynksys router. Nothing major, just updating the firmware and clearing out the logs that build up a make a mess of things. During the process, we had a nice little power surge and while I was on my laptop, the router didn't have a backup energy source. In short, it bricked itself while loading the new firmware on. Since I don't have linux on any of my systems at the moment, I couldn't tftp a direct connection to the router and force new firmware on it.

    This was all at 11PM at night, and that's prime time around my house for people to be on Facebook and their various forums. Since I knew it was going to be complaint after complaint, I made an emergency run to walmart to pick up a new router.

    Since I don't like Lynksys routers, and I wanted an N router for the various file transferring I do, I picked up a Netgear WNR-100 for $70. When I got home, I set it up, and all seemed well.

    For the past few weeks, I've been fighting an issue with page loads timing out. It started that I was getting maybe one or two a night, but now it's almost 50% of the tabs I open will time out.

    At first, I thought it was just our internet service considering that I'm on a 512kb radio ISP, it didn't really make me think it was anything else. This has finally gotten to the point that I can't stand it anymore.

    So I decide to do some testing today. I've got it pegged down to a router/setting issue as it does this in both FF and Chrome, and I can hook directly to the modem and the issue goes away.

    So far, the only thing I've done has been set the security to WPA2 and made sure that the firmware is up to date.

    Does anyone else have another option besides going back and exchanging this router?
  2. Kuu

    Kuu That Quiet Person

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    Have you tried resetting to all of the default settings and seeing if that fixes it?
  3. Larmie1997

    Larmie1997 Notebook Geek

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    Yes I have, and it makes no difference. I'm beginning to wonder if the network has something to do with this considering the fact that I just realized it's going away once I'm the only one connected to it at the moment.

    I wish I could leave this as an open network, but alas, I can't. I have neighbors that will leach in a heartbeat.
  4. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Make sure you have the latest firmware. Use WPA(2) AES for security. Do admin connected by wire only.

    Being a netgear they have a special reset that will purge all of the user parameters. This procedure takes 60 sec to do. Press and hold the reset button for 20 sec. continue holding till instructed to release. Pull the power after 20 sec reconnect. After it has been powered up for 20 sec you can release the reset button now.

    Try lowering your MTU setting on the router to 1492, def is 1500.
  5. Larmie1997

    Larmie1997 Notebook Geek

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    Hmm. So far, that seems to work. Although, I'm the only one on the netowrk right now, so that may be part of it.

    Thanks for now.
  6. mahroofn

    mahroofn Newbie

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    I recently bought netgear dgn2ooo its N modem router and i have exactly the same problem. I've tried calling the helpline but it is hard to demonstrate the problem to them and they are denying that there is such an issue with the model. What i'm finding is that the when there are more than one in the nestwork it times our after every 5 to 10 minutes. I'm absolutely frustrated. I'll try what blue68f100 is suggesting
  7. Larmie1997

    Larmie1997 Notebook Geek

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    Well, even though I'm not supposed to bump my own threads, I do have some new info....

    Seemingly, blue's idea helped greatly, but I'm still getting time out errors when other people are on the network. At this point, I'm thinking that it's merely an over all bandwidth issue and not the router. Around here, you used to only be able to get 512, but I just found out that I can get 1mb. The only issue is the fact that it's going to cost an initial fee of $300 and $50.00 a month. I can actually go to 5mb but Hughe's net wants $300+ a month for that connection. My other issue is the fact that my ping times are going to sky rocket going with a sat service. What I have now isn't great, but it's OK for Live. Anything worse than what I have is going to hurt greatly I think.

    Oh well, such is the price you pay for living in isolation.