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    Netgear CM500 vs CM600

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Drew1, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. Drew1

    Drew1 Notebook Virtuoso

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    We have optimum online and we want to get rid of that monthly $10 rental fee. We have the 100mbps plan. From what i read, either this or the arris 6183 would be compatible and from reading the arris reviews, its great but there is huge blue led lights where if you put it in bedroom, thats going to be very bright.

    So between these 2 routers, which is the better option? I already bought the cm600 on amazon but now having a bit of buyers remorse because it cost close to 90 dollars. I have not received the item yet. The cm500 cost under 50 dollars. So there is a pretty big price difference. Now i don't mind spending 90 dollars for the better one if it has no or less issues, but would it be more than enough than what we need? I know the cm500 is 16 channels and the cm600 has 24 channels. The cm600 is even more faster but all we have is 100mbps. We do not plan to ever upgrade speed as this 100mbps is more than fast enough for us.

    I went through reviews on amazon and best buy site and overall very good reviews for both. But the issue is the cm500 has a few more negative reviews and some ppl say it overheats because of the design and also some ppl say its slow. But of course these are only a few reviews and if you read the majority of reviews, most say its very good. Now obviously no product would have no negative reviews. But in other forum dslreports forum they said the cm500 is good choice. I did read online that its the budget modem. But for us, is that more than good enough? Its like buying a new computer or device and they say its very fast and you can do so and so but if you only need it for the basics, well thats a waste of money. I also read ppl have issues with the cm500 not working after a short while. We will be using it on 2 floors for the wifi.

    Can anyone give feedback on these 2 modems? I mean if you have a very fast speed internet, then obviously go with the cm600. But what we have, should i just get the cm500 and then return the cm600? I won't even bother opening the package up from the cm600 and just return it back. I read the design of cm600 is very good because lot of vents so there is less overheating. But if the cm500 has overheating issues, i guess lot of ppl would post negative reviews and because very few negative reviews, then its fine to get it?

    Now if the price difference is like $80 vs $90, obviously its a no brainer to get the cm600. Buts its like one is under 50 dollars, other is under 90 dollars. Thats almost double the price. But i also don't want an issue where if it stops working, then i go man why didn't i get the cm600 instead. Of course it could happen the other way around. The other thing i read is these have a 1 year warranty compared to arris which is 2 years. So that means if anytime in the 1 year it stops working or has issues, i can return it to amazon for a refund or exchange? Is that correct?

    So would this be a good idea? Buy the cm500 and see how its like a for a while. If it is fine, return the unopened box of cm600? But if it has issues, just return it and then open the cm600 and obviously use that one?

    Also the current modem we are using is an arris 802 and it works great. But the cm500 would be much more faster than this one since that 802 uses only 8 channels and has slower speed right? But currently its very fast already.

    Also i like to add. The router we are using is netgear n600 that optimum lent us.

    So this plays a huge part as well right? We have zero plans to ever get a different router if say optimum were to start charging a monthly fee. We would buy the same one we are using.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2019
  2. Drew1

    Drew1 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Okay just noticed that there is no discount no more for the cm500. So its basically 60 dollars for it now on amazon.

    So is it even worth it to get it for 60 dollars for the cm500 if its under 90 dollars for cm600?
  3. WhatsThePoint

    WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso

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