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    Need expert help on router

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by BaNZ, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. BaNZ

    BaNZ Notebook Consultant

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    I got a netgear WGT 624 router. Have 2 problem.

    1. It drops intermittently, both wireless and wired. Doesn't show anything wrong in logs. It would sometimes come back up straight away and sometimes I'll need to reset it. The lights on the router blinks and shows its all connected but all the PC on the network can't ping the router.

    I don't think the first problem is fixable. Firmware updated etc and restarted the router.

    My 2nd problem I would like to get it fixed.

    I got DMZ on to my main computer. Got vnc / ftp installed on it. When I try remote with vnc I can connect to the computer but I get a black screen. Sometimes it would work straight away. I use flashfxp to connect to my pc, it would take a few tries too and there is an error which says "PASV mode failed" PORT mode successful.

    I haven't got firewall on. So is there something wrong with the router? I'm sure there is nothing wrong with my PC's at home. Because my old wired router is fine. No such problem when using DMZ.
  2. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Netgear has problems with there drivers. A couple of things to do. Do a reset to factory using this procedure. Hold reset button for 20 sec, unplug the power for 20 sec while still holding the reset. The power backup with the reset button still being held in for another 20 sec. I was a beta tester for them, this will flush all of the flashram. Now before you do any setup, re-install the firmware. After the firmware has been updated/re-installed do your initial setup. On your vpn and FTP you must do port forwarding and add a firewall rule for it to work. On FTP your client software must be set to passive mode to go through a firewall. Inside the firewall you use active mode. Alot of times you are going through 2 FW and don't relize it.

    On you intermitten drops check to see if its your lease time expiring. Your ISP controls the WAN sided. You have control of the lan side. Also clone your mac address of the PC used to setup the account in to your WAN setup. Most all ISP's use some sort of mac filetering.

    Running with a FW down (DMZ) is not a good ideal. I'm able to do a VPN without any problems to my FVS338. For debuging I like remote admin on the router active, if I'm having problems I'm able to look at the logs to see what is going on. If I recall most VPN use a UDP port (5000?) for detections.

    Hope this help out
  3. BaNZ

    BaNZ Notebook Consultant

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    I was talking about vnc and not vpn. But after reseting the router the vnc problem seem to go away. Haven't had enough time to see if the router still drops the connection. Wasn't abe to clone the mac address.

    The lease on WAN seems a bit strange, sometimes it only issues a few hours. Don't know why but when it reaches the time it will renew for another 4 days.

    I always have dmz on with windows firewall down for the last couple of years since xp came out. Got too many applications and can't be bothered to configure each port :p

    But I don't understand why my ftp client needs to use passive mode? I dont have any firewall on. In addition my old router works fine.

    thanks a lot :) the resetting does work. The settings r all pretty much the same from before but I dunno why it was causing problem. Get netgear router really have problems.
  4. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    The original firmware for my FVS338 was CRAP. But the v2 has cleared up a lot of problems.There are still bugs in it that need to be fixed. Just make sure you keep up todate on the Firmware. They seam to release update quite often.
  5. BaNZ

    BaNZ Notebook Consultant

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    hi blue,

    Since you have done a lot of testing with netgear router, I wonder if you have experienced the following..

    Every now and again my router will stop working. All LAN connections will drop. But I see all the light still flashing on the router and the modem still shows the link light. I won't be able to ping the router on all 5 computers unless I pull the plug on the router. It's getting a bit frustrating now. I suspect the router is faulty.

    I find this happens most when there is little or no data transmitting. Usually I play games and when I shut it down and go for a coffee the whole network goes down lol. Or when I go to bed / work then come back and see the network is down again.

    Might try downgrading it... but will have to see if I can downgrade it.
  6. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    It sound like you have 2 problems. One may be heat related but maybe not. I have seen (mine did) on a ISP that had a 4 day lease time. Netgear renews the lease on 1/2 of the lease time, should do it in 2 days, for another 4 days. Mine would do that but during the process it would not reconnect to the ISP, during the lease renewal. The only way to get it to connect was to cycle power, or do a release, then renew via software. During beta testing I was getting new FW 2-3 times/week.

    And yes may times an older FW package is beeter than the newer releases.
  7. BaNZ

    BaNZ Notebook Consultant

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    My connection still drops daily and I need to power cycle it :S I don't think it's the lease time. Googling WGT 624 shows that a lot of people is having the same problem. But anyway when I can be bothered I'll try and ring up my isp to see if I'm binded to my mac address. I highly doubt that because my previous wired router is perfectly fine and it is not registered to that mac address.

    edit: even if it is the mac address or lease time is expiring my wired + wireless connection shouldn't drop completely that I'm not even able to ping it. Other people were having same problem that they are unable to connect to their router at all unless they power cycle it.

    Someone rang their tech support and they said it can only support up to 256 connections. I have 5-6 pc and some of them have p2p software. But I opening as much connection as possible eg opening all p2p software and I have yet to drop the connection.

    I think I'll either switch back to wired or just buy another new router. I knew I shouldn't have picked up the free router from the bin sigh.