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    NO clue on what to buy

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by jhwyung, Dec 7, 2005.

  1. jhwyung

    jhwyung Notebook Consultant

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    Hey all
    I'm getting my dell 9300 in a day or so and I need to buy a router. I wanna keep the price below $100 cdn and I'm open to options.
    I'm living with my friends in a rented place but i'm heading home in jan (I have a co-op term) and i'll need a router. Right now I'm using a trendnet pci wireless card and a d-link DI-614+ router and i find the connection sucks. I'm always disconnecting and I really want a good reliable router so I dont have to worry about disconnects.
    The router will be placed upstairs in my room next to my desktop, while most of the time I'll be downstairs sitting in the living room in front of the tv with my laptop.
    Any and all suggestions welcome.
    If possible choose from this website
    since I'll be doing my shopping there.
    thanks all!
  2. nickspohn

    nickspohn Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    From that i site, i would really try to go with the Linksys WRT54GC router. Its a great router and you will be happy. No disconnects or anything. The only can is that the setup is more harder than other routers but its still a great router overall. If you have any trouble installing it, just let me know.

  3. jhwyung

    jhwyung Notebook Consultant

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    How difficult is it exactly to set up?
    I have really bad download speeds with routers, and I use bittorrent religiously. I used to use azeurus (sp!) when I was home, but when I goto school and use the router connection I can't get good speeds, even when I set my ip address as the DMZ. Bitcomet is ok, but i still notice a big difference in speeds when I'm home plugging the dsl cable directly into my computer as opposed to going through a router.
    I was going to patch the dsl line into my directly into desktop at night and the connect it back to the router during day when I'd be using my wireless downstairs. Do you think there's a better way around this to get the fastest speed possible when downloading?
    As stated before I'm a big zero when it comes to routers and I dont know a whole lot about them.
    Thanks in advance!
  4. nickspohn

    nickspohn Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    Well with this router, you really wont have any trouble with download speeds. Of coaurse for your best option would be to 10ft from the router for the maximum speed but you will get high speeds probaly all over your house and there is nothing to worry for. This router is really not that hard to set up, but if you have any trouble, the online setup is very quick if you cant get it to work. And you can always post back here if you have issues.
