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    Modem Not Working?

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Drew1, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. Drew1

    Drew1 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Hey all got a question. The internet does not work at my parent's place. They said the netgear modem they have dropped but it was a very short drop. The lights all still show etc. They currently use optimum online. Model is netgear n600.

    I was told that when they try to connect to wifi from their phone, they get a message like this

    The coaxial cable is not properly connected.

    Check and tighten the coaxial cable from the wall to the back of the cable modem.

    If the cable is properly connected and you still do not have internet connection

    Click continue

    When they clicked on continue

    It says

    Verify that the coaxial cable is not damaged

    They are not tech savy at all. And they don't speak english that well. I told them to basically unplug all the wires and plug it back in to see if there are any issues. They said same issue. However, i asked what about the coaxial cable and they said it seemed very tight to the modem etc. So they could not take it out.

    Can someone tell me how they could fix this issue or what could possibly be the issue for this? It started recently and the only thing that make sense would be because the netgear modem dropped. However, they told me there is another device connected to the modem but im not sure what that is etc.

    Can someone tell me what is the possible issue with this?
  2. Drew1

    Drew1 Notebook Virtuoso

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    So i spoke to the person on the phone. They asked me if they modem shows lights. So when it works, there should be all green lights but one light that is orange that woulds it works. Well there is 3 orange lights and 2 green lights. So based on that, that would mean this has to do with the modem right?

    Also they told me the coaxial cable has to be removed with a wrench and you cannot take it out like regular wire from the modem etc.

    Does anyone know if resetting this netgear router could possibly solve this issue? They said they could have someone to come over to fix this issue but anyone think resetting the modem could possibly fix this? Because i rather try that if its that simple. The other thing is this. I want to make sure the wifi connection name and the password is the same as before. So if one were to reset this modem, they can easily do that right? If they have someone from optimum come over, they could ask them to make the wifi connection and password the one they have currently? Like to know what you all think is the best option here.

    I also like to add there was huge winds not that long ago. It wasn't a storm but lot of wind that blew off a lot of physical items etc. Does anyone think that could have caused this? The thing is the coaxial cable which is connected to the netgear modem... it actually goes outside as well through the window etc. So maybe that got damaged?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2018
  3. WhatsThePoint

    WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso

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    If optimum online is a cable network service the company most likely provides a cable modem and the Netgear N600 router is attached to it with a Cat 5 or 6 cable.

    The power cable can be pulled out of the back of the cable modem for about 30 seconds and then plugged back in to reset it.

    On the back of the N600 router is a small hole that you can put a straightened paper clip into to reset it to factory defaults.Put the paper clip in the reset hole and push it in lightly for about 20 seconds for the router reset.

    If these 2 operations fail to fix the issue then the repairman from optimum online will need to visit and find the issue.

    If the N600 is owned by your parents and it is defective it will be an out of pocket expense unless there's an option of optimum online provided equipment.