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    MAYDAY connected to wireless but page cannot be displayed!

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Phillip, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. Phillip

    Phillip Phillip J. Fry

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    One of my friends has this small name brand laptop that has been giving trouble ever since I first tried out the wireless internet.
    She had wired DSL so I bought a lynksys rangemax b/g wireless router.
    I spent an entire day trying to sync the router with the laptop with no luck.
    I called her ISP in attempts to find out what was wrong. They told me they would send her one of there brand wireless routers and that would fix the problem. I get the router and go through there easy 3 step setup which took 5 hours. After that I spent another 2 hours configuring her laptop to connect to the router. Once everything was setup the wireless internet worked perfectly. Perfectly that is, until a huge lightning storm took place.
    A day or so after the storm I tried to connect to the internet but all I could get was page cannot be displayed, server not found. In addition to that, I noticed that I had lost the connection to the router.
    Here is a rundown of the steps I have tried in attempts to restore the connection:
    -reconfigure the the wireless connection(inculding change SCSI ID, Network name, security passwords ect.)
    -reattempt using the wireless setup CD sent by her ISP
    -trying 3 different web browsers (IE 6, Mozilla, and Fire Fox)

    The best I can do so far is to establish a connection to the router but I still recieve the page cannot be dispayed message.

    For those of you who have any knowledge in solving this problem, please share what you know.
    All help will be greatly apreciated!!:D :D :D :D
    :confused: ucb9999 :confused:
  2. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    It sounds like an issue with the modem. Is it next to her computer? When I had DSL, the modem was not well shielded and used to lose conection all the time because of the interference. I moved my modem and never a problem again. Also, make sure you have filters on all the phone lines, this can someitmes cause problems. It also could have be nailed by lightning. Is it plugged into a surge protector or the wall?

    **EDIT** One more thing. Be sure when you reset the setup you do it in order. Turn off the modem, then the router. Turn on the modem, wait for the lights to go solid. Then turn on the router, wait for the test light to finish. Finally restart the computer. For some reason if they are done out of order the router does not alwys pick up the internet connection.
  3. Phillip

    Phillip Phillip J. Fry

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    Yes its pluged into a surge protector (UPS to be exact), yes there are filters on every phone line, and yes I tried the steps you suggested but nothing has changed.
  4. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    Does the modem work when directly connected to the computer with a wire?
  5. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    The lights on the dsl modem should tell you if every thing is up. If the DSL light in not green ( most), meaning red means no dsl. Call ISP

    1st check the dsl lights for dsl connection. No DSL Call ISP
    2nd do a direct connect to the dsl modem (if 1 is good) as previous stated.
    if good connect router and test lan ports first.
    After that is working setup the wireless.

    Randomly changing things when things stop working is not the solution. With time you can tell by the indicator lights on the dsl modem and router weather the connection is up or down. 99.9% of the time a reset of the hardware is all that is needed as cashmonee stated.