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    Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router Help

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by dynamic140, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. dynamic140

    dynamic140 Notebook Geek

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    I have a linksys WRT 54G router. I use to have Verizon Online DSL but switched it because i had lots of disconnects and now am using Road Runner Cable internet.

    I have always used WEP encryption but found out that it is not safe and can be hacked. The key that i used for my WEP is my 10 digit home phone number. Right now i just changed it to WPA2. Is it better WPAPersonal or WPA2 Personal? My question is for the shared key, would it be a better idea to make up a new code now that i changed it to WPA2? Or would it be fine using the same 10 digit code i used for my WEP. Reason i ask this is even though i have cable internet now, the connection is not that fast so I am wondering could it be that someone hacked into my wireless connection because i used WEP all this time? Also its because that code is easy to remember b/c its my phone number. Is WPA faster than WPE? Is WPA2 faster than WPA?

    Also, what mode would you guys suggest? G mode, B mode or mixed? I used mixed the entire time. Also, i know the best channels are 1, 6 and 11. Does anyone have a preferred choice? Does picking a channel affect the speed?

  2. nicksti

    nicksti Notebook Evangelist

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    I remember reading something about Japanese scientists hacking WPA. It is significantly less secure than WPA2 so if your devices are WPA2 compatible then use WPA2.

    Also do not use a weak password with WPA2. The point of WPA is the ability to use long phrase-like passwords so why make WPA like WEP? This is the one time that you can do wild with your passwords. "The quick br0wn fox!" makes for a good password that is easy to remember. If not write it down and keep it in a drawer.

    On your WRT54G there is the option to see attached devices which shows up by mac address. IIRC it is in the administration page. What you could do is connect one computer directly to the modem and do a speed test at and see what you get. Then hook up your wireless and repeat.

    Mixed mode will cause your wireless to be slower. If you only have G devices, which you should, then you should use G only.

    Channels are relative to the wireless in your area. If everyone used channel 1 then that wouldn't be so great. Some people analyze what the default channel settings are in routers and try to pick another channel.

    Hope this helps.
  3. woofer00

    woofer00 Wanderer

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    Picking an empty channel affects noise, which then can affect speed and packet loss. 1,6,11 are generally tried first because they're the middle and endpoints, but they're typically the first to be occupied. Find a channel scanning application to do it if the router can't.

    Now your access point is MINE!!!
  4. kosti

    kosti Notebook Virtuoso

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  5. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    WPA2 AES is the most secure and what most are design to work with. For a good pass-phrase go to Home of Gibson Research Corporation and use their PW generator, All Printable Chr cut and paste to note pad. These keys are 63 chr long, pretty much guaranteed you can not type it in correctly and work. I recommend a min of 20 chr. Cut and paste the key and it will work just fine.
  6. leslieann

    leslieann Notebook Deity

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    In my experience, on cheaper routers especially, the more secure, the slower they run.

    Pretty much any wireless can be hacked, how much security do you need. Are you trying to stop someone who has a reason to hack you (go wired) or just stop the neighbor kid from snooping? Or are you just trying to keep people from leaching free internet?

    Security is important and can be good, but you don't need Fort Knox for your wireless.