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    INtel 2915ABG suddenly stopped working on ASUS

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Justitia, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Justitia

    Justitia Notebook Evangelist

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    I have been having problems with my wireless connection on my ASUS starting yesterday. I have been having problems with my DSL..but the guy came today to re-route that.

    Everything works but my Intel card 2915ABG on my ASUS. I get an error message when searching for a wireless network "make sure your wireless network card is turned on"

    When I do a repair on the intel it says no wireless connection detected...but thereare several.

    I have tested the modem (turned of and on, reset, plugged and unplugged.) Same with my router (Belkin). There has been a problem with my DSL but that has been fixed.

    I have 2 computers now both brand new. One is an HP Dv100t with an Intel 3945ABG and the ASUS with the 2915ABG.

    Everything works but the ASUS Intel. The wireless on the HP works, direct connection into the ASUS works.

    For the last several days before the DSL repair, I had to click the "repair" link for the HP Intel card frequently to get it to connect to the internet.

    Last night for the first time, I had to do that on the ASUS but it wouldn't repair. It won't recognize the wireless connection...and there are several around me besides mine.

    The two computers are sitting side by side. I am typing on the HP... I cannot get the ASUS to recognize the wireless connection. It states that there is no wireless connection (but there is...the HP is on it.)

    The device manager shows the wireless card without a red X.

    Should I reinstall the drivers? (I am not sure how... I do not see a CD Rom for it...but I may not know what it is called.)

    I am at a loss.

    One thing I find extremely frustrating about ASUS is the provide no technical support. Once they sold it to you, you are on your own. When I had this problem with the HP, which I did several days ago, tech support helped me even though it was the middle if the night.
  2. m61376

    m61376 Notebook Evangelist

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    You may have done this already and I know it sounds very basic, but I have found it works when the 2915 wants to be tempermental: shut off the computer, unplug the modem and the router; then, restart the modem, then the router and then the laptop. My daughter recently had the same thing as you're describing and that was an easy fix.

    Good luck!
  3. Justitia

    Justitia Notebook Evangelist

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    I believe I have done that but not sure if in that order... I will try right now to make sure.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Edit: I tried it again in exactky that order and it had no effect. Card does not work.

    I have now tried to manually disable and re-enable the device... it does not work
  4. Justitia

    Justitia Notebook Evangelist

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    For some reason, not connected to anything I did, thewireless network connected. I was on the phone with proportable and while I was describing the problem... it suddenly connected. No action taken prior to that.... who knows.

    Just annoyed that I lost a morning of work.

    Thanks for suggestions though. At least I got some good advice in general from Sean at Proportable.
  5. Justitia

    Justitia Notebook Evangelist

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    Well, I think I figured out part of the problem kind of by accident. The Intel puts an Icon in the task bar in the tray in the lower right hand corner near the clock. That icon is designed to let you turn the wireless card on when it gets turned off (which it does when the laptop goes into standby).

    I hadn't realized that the icon was gone. So what I was doing was clicking on the wireless icon (i.e., the single computer icon) and clicking repair... which sometimes worked and sometimes not. (I still haven't figured that out.) I just sort of realized the Proset icon was gone tonight when I was looking through the Intel Proset program.

    And lo and behold, as I was snooping around, in the tools drop down box... if you click on the application settings, up comes a window with a lot of options, one of which is an option to show the application in the tray...once I checked that off... the icon popped back ... and so far I have had not problems with the wireless. But that's just been a while.

    I have been convinced both by Sean at Proportable and a tech at Earthlink (my ISP) that I need a more modern router. Mines only a G and it was designed so it would support Win98SE which is what my previous laptop was using.

    SO now I will read the threads to see what I should buy...

    That icon is also missing on my HP which has a more recent version of the Intel Proset wireless card. SO I plan to check that out too.

    Man. how difficult it is to learn this stuff by trial and error and not much to guide you....