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    I can't download a file

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by jhr389, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. jhr389

    jhr389 Notebook Geek

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    I can't download a file from my schools web site and the instructor told us that we may have problems downloading the file and that people have had problems in the past. So i go to download the file and it will DL for about 2 min. and then it will stop. I tired firefox but it doesn't seem to be able to tell how big the file is and it stops downloading at about 6mbs. I also used Explorer and it would get to 15mbs and stop downloading. The file is 22mbs i also so tried flashgot and download them all to trie to DL the file but no luck. so i was wondering if any one has had this problem and if there is a fix. But i don't think there is i think it might be the schools server shutting me out after a few min.
  2. gerryf19

    gerryf19 I am the walrus

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    Impossible to say. Since everyone has issues with this, I'd probably say it is the server, but I would also say your teacher is an idiot for expecting people to download a file from a server that is a known problem.

    Tell your teacher to put it somewhere else--there are free file hosting sites for things like this.

    Might try firefox with DownloadThemAll extension, which has a built in accelerator and download manager that will resume downloads

    Of course, you could post a link and maybe someone could actually investigate the issue
  3. jhr389

    jhr389 Notebook Geek

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    Yeah i tried downloadthemall as said above. But the thing is most teachers are lazy and don't want to take any more time out of there day to help their students. So they want us to use the school computers to download the files. I think i need to talk to the school techs about this problem because students that take an online class should just be able to download the files that are on the school web site from home. But i can't really show anyone here the file because you have to be logged in to the school web site to get to the files.
  4. gerryf19

    gerryf19 I am the walrus

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    helping beyond that requires more information--is the file obtainable via ftp? Try downloading at off hours (3 am).

    If a school has a problem like this it is incumbent on them to fix it and there's not a whole lot you can do
  5. kegobeer

    kegobeer 1 hr late but moving fast

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    You actually believe that most teachers are lazy? You need to rethink your statement. Your teachers don't own the school network, and they most likely don't have the technical knowledge or permission to fix network issues. Nor do they have the time - if you become a teacher, you'll understand how much time it takes to prepare lessons, grade papers, grade tests, etc.

    If your school has network technicians, talk to them. They know where files are stored, so you don't have to worry about showing them the file. Let them do their job and fix the network, and let your teachers do their jobs and teach their students.
  6. kegobeer

    kegobeer 1 hr late but moving fast

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    I've taken online classes. Class information, files, etc, are posted on the school website. Teachers upload to a predetermined location, as they are instructed to do by the school, just as you are instructed to upload to a certain section of the school website. It's an assumption on your part that your teacher has the ability or the permission to post files on any other site than the school site. Never assume the level of computer knowledge either; not everyone has heard of rapidshare, or know how to use such upload websites. Problems with downloads must be directed to the tech support department and not the instructor.

    Online teachers (at least the instructors I've had) are either full time teachers at brick and mortar schools, or they are employed full time somewhere else. They also tend to teach more than one online class at a time. They may be busy grading papers for another class, preparing discussion questions and/or a syllabus for another class, or a myriad of other tasks. Never assume that a teacher is lazy because you don't see what they are doing when not actively involved in your class.

    In the future, if you have questions or problems with someone or something at your online school, ask your instructor about it. Don't tell them there is a problem, get a reply, and then post generalized statements about lazy teachers - instead, ask more questions: do you have permission to post these files somewhere else, do you recommend I contact tech support, is there any way you can send me and my classmates the files directly, etc.
  7. surfasb

    surfasb Titles Shmm-itles

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    I've had this problem before, where the file will download half way and stop. Most of the time, the problem is server side and there is little you can do other than trying during offpeak hours. If the download constantly times out, then it almost definitely is a server side issue.

    My particular case? I tried downloading during offpeak hours and it worked fine.