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    Asus Wireless Router not sending wireless signal.

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by IDK312, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. IDK312

    IDK312 Notebook Consultant

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    Hey, not tech savy in the wireless field a tall. I know nothing about wireless and routers or how to set them up.

    I got a Asus wireless router WL-520GU and when i first set it up everything worked. It was sending out wireless signals and everything, but this summer we had a lot of short black outs or something (the energy would go off for a second or 2) and everything would shut down. I don't have a battery back up or a surge protector, it was just connected to a power bar and when everything restarted the wireless signal stopped sending out signals (in my home)...

    When i went to return it the guy looked at it and everything worked... So i tried to install it again when i got back home the laptop did not detect the signal... Even though the light is on, it is just not blinking (which means it is not sending out the signal.). I than repeated this several times and if i had to calculate how many times i had to walk back and forth to the computer store it would equal to over 10miles...... :S Thank god that was in the summer and not in the winter like now where it is like -40!...

    So this router works outside at other locations other than my house, what do you think the problem is?

    Should i A. Sell this and buy another router or B. try fixing it?

    I have lost the manual and the "ez" set up cd for this router. I am just using this router as a wire modem.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. PhoenixFx

    PhoenixFx Notebook Virtuoso

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    I’m not familiar with that specific router, but usually when the Wireless indicator is turned ON it means the Wireless network is ready, it starts blinking only when data is transferred between the router and a computer.

    Sounds to me like the problem is your notebook, not the router. Did you also take your notebook to the store ? Or check with a different router (neighbor's, friend's etc..) ?
  3. IDK312

    IDK312 Notebook Consultant

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    Yup, the laptop detects other signals, just not mines. We also brought it back to the Sony store (it was a sony vaio) and brought the router to see if it was the router or the laptop and the laptop detected it and connected to it instantly.