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    802.11n and WEP/WPA security setting?

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by twister, Dec 30, 2006.

  1. twister

    twister Notebook Evangelist

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    I'm self-educating myself as I go :) Finally, got my wireless setup working. I have Thinkpad T60 with built-in Atheros a/b/g/n wireless card. Had to drop my original Linksys WRT54G due to a short coverage range, and switched to Belkin N1. That gave me more headaches with a first unit being defective and having lots of disconnects with a replacement unit. Did some readings, and found D-Link DIR655. Got it, it works beautiful and N rate connection gets established without any problem.

    Here is my question. Everywhere I read it states that draft N version doesn't support security encryption of WEP/WPA. In order to run at N rate, I have to turn the security off and use MAC filtering to just allow my home laptop (or any other family laptops) to login and to use the network. I actually confirmed that. When WPA security is set, I can only connect at G rate. When its turned off, back to N rate. Does this makes sense? Is this just a temporary solution because of the draft N mode? Will a regular WPA security be implemented in the future with a full blown N standard? I gotta run my connection with a secure setting due to other people in our townhouse development leaching off to steal the bandwidth :mad:
  2. twister

    twister Notebook Evangelist

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    I first read it while browsing through some CNET review of pre-N routers. People were complaining they have to switch to MAC access filtering as the way of security. Did more reading that people waiting for a firmware updates when N is finalized (soon with Vista release) to enable security setting. Than, when I was playing with D-Link setup, it spelled it out to me that turning WEP security "on" will switch to G due to security not beeing supported in pre-N. I'm not making this up. As soon as I disabled security setting, wireless network connection switched to 300 Mbps. When I enable it, goes back to 54 Mbps. A similar thing happened with Belkin router where I had security enabled from the start and couldn't figure out why am I only connecting at 54 Mbps rate. Calling Belkin tech support didn't help, they got a bunch of morons working in there (the guy was arguing with me on a phone why I checked and upgraded to the latest firmware).
  3. twister

    twister Notebook Evangelist

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    I'm running D-Link Xtreme N, DIR655 (latest firmware update, v1.02). Any security setting of WEP/WPA/WPA2 automatically drops it to 54Mbps. As soon as I disable it - boom, back to 300 Mbps. I will call them after new year to find out, but I have a feeling a new firmware is in a making. I was also told by Lenovo that Atheros will have updated drivers for their internal wireless N card in a month just in time for Vista release. Would not be surprise if this is going to be a time for a lot of new firmware/driver updates. BTW, it seems that WPA2 is a preferred security setting anyway, so I shouldn't even bother with WEP. Ironically, in our townhouse neighborhood 70% of wireless is without security and still with a default SSID router name...
  4. blue68f100

    blue68f100 Notebook Virtuoso

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    There are a lot of problems with the 11n firmware. 1st everything out there is based on v1 spec. V2 spec are out for mfg to use, far as I know NO one is. So expect more problems. Also once the spec is finalized toward the end of 2007 with any luck you may have more problems. If a 11n detects 11g hardware it is required to drop out of 11n to prevent interfering with 11g hardware. So you may be spinning your wheels. Since 11n uses 2 channels you may have some unhappy neighbors. If you have control of your power settings you may want to lower it to the lowest point that you still get coverage. Not to get your neighbors upset with you.
  5. twister

    twister Notebook Evangelist

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    No way, I'm not sharing it with my neighbors :D We are all tapping out of the same cable modem connection anyway, eating into bandwidth. I don't want additional wireless bandwidth sharing ;) Just set WPA and running at G rate.