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    2 questions: Deleted Links in Favorites & turning on BT

    Discussion in 'Networking and Wireless' started by Justitia, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. Justitia

    Justitia Notebook Evangelist

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    Deleted Links in Favorites:

    I've downloaded IE8 and have been using for a while and like it so far. I also am using Xmarks to keep my favorites synced across computers.

    On one computer, my ASUS z70va laptop, for some reason the url gets deleted though the name of the link is still on my favorites. WHen I click on properties, it just shows a link to my favorites in my documents.

    This just happened again, right after I clicked on link -- went to the site and then went elsewhere. When I cam back to the site the link was no longer working.

    The other thing is that the individual icons for the websites that usuall show up on favorites keep disappearing on this laptop.

    Right now I've been syncing with Xmarks between just 2 laptops for the moment my ASUS and my HP Pavillion. I beleive I have not had this problem on my HP but I can't say for sure that I remember that. And I am not sure that when I go back to my HP that Xmarks just doesn't update my favorites with what was on the ASUS, whihc means if the link was dead on the ASUS, Xmarks my copy a dead link onto the HP favorites.

    Anyone have any ideas about this?

    2nd Question: mystery as to turning on BlueTooth:

    There is some utility that turns on and off the BT on my ASUS z70va that I can't find. The network connections say the device is unplugged. The device manager says that the device is working properly. There is a button above the keyboard which turns the Bluetooth on and off and I've checked and it is on.

    I've searched help, etc. And either it leads to a dead end or it says the device is unplugged or not connected and to connect it first -- but doesn't tell me how to.

    I believe there is a utility that turns BT on and off (along with an option to turn on and off the wireless card.) I think I turned the BT off while I was trying to diagnose problems with the wireless connection.

    On the other hand, it is possible that along with everything else, when the laptop when into repairs a couple of weeks ago, the tech person turned it off. ASUS so messed up my computer while in for repairs, it isn't funny.

    My OS is XPSP3, I have Bluetooth Personal Area Network from TOSHIBA, an Intel Pro/wireless 2915ABG Network Connection, a 1394 Net Adapter and a Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller.

    Anyone have any ideas?
  2. gerryf19

    gerryf19 I am the walrus

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    Will no one help this damsel in distress?

    I read this a couple of days ago but was very tired and had to get some sleep. Now, I am equally tired and need to get some sleep (oh no).

    In both cases, I had a really hard time following what the problems were.

    1st question, part 2--that is relatively easy. The custom icons are stored in the temporary internet cache. Over time, this cache is purged--that why the custom icons become generic ones.

    1st question, part 1--it took me three reads to figure out you are using some sort of 3rt party utility to sync bookmarks, but you also said you are using IE8, which used favorites, not bookmarks. Meanwhile there was a bug ion xmarks--the utility--that deleted bookmarks in firefox 2.0....arghhhh

    So, what the heck are you using? IE8, firefox 2 or firefox 3? What version of windows on these two laptops? The same or different?

    What are you trying to connect your blue tooth to?

    Blue tooth is a little different than a works more like a partnership. You have the blue tooth radio on your laptop and a bluetooth device that are partnered with each other

    What are you trying to do? Turn it on (the radio)? Off? A device? I don't understand your goal....
  3. Justitia

    Justitia Notebook Evangelist

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    Well that explains that -- simple explanation --- so I won't get annoyed about it any more... ;)

    Sorry, my use of bookmarks & favorites actually shows my age. I was using the terms interchangeably. I used to use Netscape for years which I believe referred to saved links as "bookmarks." (I do not use Firefox, etc.) I try to remember to say Favorites but sometimes I accidentally say Bookmark when I mean Favorites.

    But I always mean Favorites in what I wrote.

    So I only use IE. If I recall correctly, when IE 8 downloaded, it either came or suggested Xmarks as a way to sync your Favorites across computers. So I've been using it and I like it very much.

    But I've been noticing that with increasing frequency the links in the Book... urgh... Favorites suddenly stop working. When checking on the non-working link's properties -- the properties direct to where the link is stored in the My Favorites file on my computer.

    SO I have to get to the site manually (Google) and then add it to my Favorites again.

    So I was wondering what my cause that...

    I can't get the BlueTooth to turn on on my ASUS laptop. It shows in Network Connections that it is disconnected -- but I am not sure why or how.

    But I should start a new thread on that. Bad idea to put 2 questions on one thread...

    Thank ye for the kind words, sir... ;)