the main reason for getting the GT60 was for the games i wanted to play.
right now, i'm playing Dishonored. the game is pretty good but i don't think the graphics push my unit too much.
after finishing Dishonored, i plan on backtracking in Tomb Raider so i get all the achievements.
anyways, what are you guys playing on your MSI machines?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Mechwarrior online in my shiny firebrand
War of the Roses, Forge, Planetside 2 and Warframe for now.
I'm gonna DL Mechwarrior soon too Meaker. Also, gonna try the free Metro-Last Light I got when I purchased my laptop.
World of Tanks, and a little GW2, while waiting another week for Rome-II Total War which will probably be too much for the GE70.
Finishing Batman AC, Some Payday, trying warframe, and ocasionally some League of Legends altho this last one is tiring me now. And I got a huge backlog haha.
i just finished dishonored. pretty good game. kind of short but lots to do afterwards. i'm trying to not have a single kill in all of the missions. it's pretty challenging...
Currently BF3 and War Thunder are my games of choice.
Just finished : Torchlight 2, dishonored, witcher 2
Currently playing : Crysis3, SC2, PES13
Gonna play : Watchdogs, GTA5 when it comes to pc (2014?15?), still havent played BF3 LOL, Grim dawn (i love TQ!), diablo 3 maybe, what other games? -
I mostly play BF3 since the humble bundle special
Before that, I played a lot of Portal, good times
The GF jams Sims 3 every now and then
Since upgrading my desktop, my poor old laptop has taken the back seat -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I've been playing some Guild Wars 2, Borderlands 2 and just started Sleeping Dogs last night. I've got lots of unplayed and undownloaded games awaiting
Currently i'm playing BF3 MP and DOTA2.
Guild Wars 2, Fallout 3, and Crysis 2. Just downloaded Torchlight and in the process of downloading Neverwinter.
Mostly anticipating Elder Scrolls Online and Everquest Next. -
Dark Souls. Been playing almost constantly for nearly 2 years now. Just got Payday 2 and Castlevania: LoS. Oh and good old Phantasy Star Online, which doesn't push my hardware at all.
At this moment, The Witcher 2, Inversion and F1 2012 with mods of 2013.
But have a lot of games unplayed -
adriano_banano Notebook Consultant
I've recently player FIFA 13 and PES 2013 with local multiplayer with friends. Single player, I'm playing TMNT Out of the Shadows (I liked it ). I've just recently bought Bioshock Infinite but I can't get it to work (freezes just randomly). Does anyone also have this issue?
I am running 311.83 drivers, from the MSI page. -
i too have dark souls. i beat demon souls on PS3 and that was an awesome game. but dark souls, i find extremely harder than demon souls.
adriano_banano Notebook Consultant
Maybe the drivers are faulty? I've managed to play it for about 3 hours, the only fix that worked for me was disabling Killer e2200 Ethernet Controller. and playing it on Very High settings. I'll try to go back to 311.83 drivers and see what happens.
Thanks! -
I'm playing a few games myself which are:
1) castlevania: lords of shadow Ultimate Edition
2) DuckTales Remastered
3) The Bureau: XCOM Declassified ( the AI is meh but I've played worse) -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I'm looking forward to mighty number 9, also having great fun in MWO still.
Castlevania lords of the shadow is out for PC? never knew that. Long time since I played a Castlevania game. Symphony of the Night is the one I played, probably the best in the series too, thats what I think. Gonna check this out. Lords of the shadow seems to be good.
I'm playing hitman absolution currently. Good game actually, enjoying it quite a bit. I'd recommend it if you havent tried it yet. Also, playing Anno 1404, I'm definitely enjoying this one. the graphics impresses me. Lovely scenery.
Looking forward to GTA5 for pc. Hope it happens. Also, hope that it doesn't become a crappy console port, like the GTA4 was.
Anyone know a good RPG? Offline? I loved Titan quest and diablo 1&2, 3... not so much. Grim dawn seems to be promising. -
I just finished Batman Arkham City, and now onto Dishonored.
Anyone here played Heroes of Might and Magic? was just watching some clips on youtube. Looks fun, although turn based gameplay does not appeal me.... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I remember having long co-op games (single PC) with HOMM 3
has anyone played the new final fantasy mmo? any impression and more importantly, can the gt 60 / gt70 even handle that game?
i remember playing ff14 on my PC when it first came out 2 years ago, i had 2 graphics cards and it was still a beast to handle. -
adriano_banano Notebook Consultant
I tried to play Battlefield 4 today, but performance is justo too bad
At 1080p with high settings, I get about 15-20 fps with 331 NVIDIA beta drivers. Even at 720p with medium settings, performance is just terrible. Maybe is my internet speed, I'm trying it again later.
Anyone has tried the beta yet? -
But I have only seen previews, so no idea. I want to try it!
I have high hopes. -
adriano_banano Notebook Consultant
¿Qué tal te está gustando la GT60? -
Tomb Raider currently
BF4 beta at this moment, works fine with the 780M.
Ultra @ 1080p with no AA is what I'm using and have framerate limited to 60fps and it stays there most of the time, with occasional dips into the upper 40's under massive chaos or when that skyscraper falls and kicks up an ungodly amount of debris and dust.
Really having fun with the beta, but I loved BF3 as well. Definitely worth checking out!
EDIT: was reading back over my thread and did forget to mention that I have the CPU overclocked to 3600 using the Intel Tuning app. Haven't tried without, but might slightly affect my performance or temps, but has been totally stable since I set it months ago. -
Considering you are running at 80% across all cores, there is a high chance that those extra mhz will benefit framerate.
what are you gaming on your MSI?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by arcticreaver, Aug 26, 2013.