I wonder if those who play it experience simmilar problems.
Pretty much all missions are very slow excengpt the lowest seetings.
It's not the GPU that's the problem it's the CPU.
RTS's are very CPU dependent and you need a QUAD to play fluidly. -
If it's the CPU, why would playing it on the lowest settings vs medium settings make any difference?
Besides, while the quads might be slightly faster, Starcraft II should still play decently on a dual-core. -
I played the beta. No prob playing on max settings
Yeah, so the issue is probably something else, and not the GPU or CPU.
id think more along the lines of drivers than cpu/gpu....
Might also be of some help
http://www.guru3d.com/news/ati-on-lacking-starcraft-ii-anti-aliasing-support/ -
Is realy slow?
ow i will buy the game but is realy slow? anyone can confirm?
I Really doubt there being a problem at all, if the gx640 can manage BC2, arma2 etc with high settings I can't see starcraft making the lappy break a sweat at all
Bought the retail version of the game today. Been playing for an hour and it's all good.
what version of the drivers do u have
also what settings do u use? -
is there a way to find out if i am playing as dx10 or 9 in starcraft
In game settings are all maxed out. -
can u tell me what fps are you getting in campaign.
u can turn fps on by pressing ctrl+alt+f.
I am getting around 30. doesnt go higher than that. -
I dont really play campaign.. but on the very first one mine hovers at 41-42. Is your vsync on?
yeah, i just turned it on and performance slightly improved.
I have all the graphics maxed out to whatever is possible, plus max GX640 resolution. Game runs excellent, no slow downs at all. -
Definitely sounds like a drivers issue. It's supposed to handle everything on max settings, especially SC2, considering Blizzard makes games with non-demanding graphics so they can appeal to more customers.
well this is kind very strange. I finished sc campaign and my fps was floating around 20-30 in each mission, on medium settings. i updated to latest drivers and still had same issues.
veryyy strange... i dont have the SC 2 yeat but when i buy, i will talk about..
what driver version are u using?
For those wondering why they can't "maxe out" SC2 and believe there is a build in issue with their laptop, go and take a look on this Alienware Mx15 post:
Most of them in full ultra seem to have 30fps on average and they play on 5870 and some o/c with a i7... So don't panic just turn off reflection or reduce the shader level as hinted in the post and everything should run fine(p.s.: The Campaign is graphically much more demanding than online gaming due to sobre maps used in the online mode)
I can basically play on High/Ultra with my MSI GX620 (lower specs ten the gx640) so the OP's post intrigues me. I'm all on stock clocks, so for you to be having bad FPS makes me wonder.
But what fps do you get and what is your screen resolution? Because I can basically play on ultra 1680x1050 and get smooth screen with fps around 20/30, so it's definetly playable just that I was expecting more... However disabling reflection give me 50fps which is more in line with what I expected from this GPU ;-)
I play at the gx620's native res (1280x800) so i realize its a lower res then what your playing at.
ultra = ~21-28 fps with dips sometimes to 15-17 during big battles
if i set it to anything below ultra i get nearly a constant 30 (vsync i believe keeps it there? idk in any case it stays @ 30) -
VSYNC tries to keep it locked at/below your screen refresh rate, which it 60mhz . . . although having vsync enabled when your GPU is capable of pushing more than 60 frames can actually cause the FPS drop to 30 . . . but were probably not consistently above 60 FPS on high even.
powerplay.. probably
starcraft is slowish on gx640
Discussion in 'MSI' started by haplo_09, Jul 27, 2010.