I'm about to order a msi 1651 and on alot of retailers i see that buying a intell 5400 wireless card is an option. Is this necessary to buy if i want a wireless network on my computer or is there a wireless card already built in to the laptop of cheaper quality?
There is no wireless card with the ms-1651, you have to add your own mini pci-e card. You can however pick them up off ebay for fairly cheap I have a gigabyte 802.11n three antenna card in mine that I got for $15.
so if i order one without it i wont be able to have a wireless connection?
no, no wireless until you add a wifi card the ms-1651 has a built in networking card so you could use LAN but if you want wifi you'll either have to order the ms-1651 with a wifi card or add your own.
When you get a wireless card put it in the pci-e slot closest to the side of the notebook, otherwise the wireless button on the sensor pad doesn't work on it. Depending on your internet you can probably get away with a cheap broadcom card.
msi ms-1651 ID2 wireless
Discussion in 'MSI' started by desmondhume333, Aug 1, 2009.