Hello, i was just wondering something about the warranty. I might buy a laptop from newegg.ca,(msi gt725) dont take this as any type of publicity please. In the return policy page, it's written that they have a 30 day to return a notebook. After i guess i have to deal with the manufacturer's warranty policy. I also had a question. If you go on the website, click on the computer ( http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152103) and you click on manufacturer info under the picture, it's written 1 year part and labor. But if you go in the specification on the right of the picture, at the bottom its written part and labor 3 years limited. Which one is right... Also, i was wondering how i would proceed to use my warranty(if i have to) since i'm in quebec province (in canada) i have no idea who i would call or how it would work... could you guys explain me? sorry it may seem noob but it'S the first time i buy a laptop, and it'S also the first time i buy som,ething from internet.
You could contact MSI and see for sure how long the warranty is good for, there number is: Tel: +905-707-1880 hope this helps.. -
thank you well anyway i found their canadian support website so it helped me... would there be such a big difference between msi gt725 and msi gt729(the difference is in the size of video memory 1024(gt729) vs 512(gt725) ? and 4gb ddr3 instead of ddr2 would it be so different, cause from what i saw gt725 is still a VERY good gaming machine.
frank633 -
It would be good for gaming at high resolution because of the extra 512MB of video memory, the DDR3 memory will not make much of a diffrence over DDR2. The GT725 is still a very powerful laptop for its price range. If you want future proofing and gaming with high res then go for the GT729. I personally love my GT725
ok but i don't know when the gt729 will be out in canada and i don't really want to wait another few months(i would need my laptop for school... which starts in exactly 1 month from now NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) But i was thinking about the fact that maybe in a near futur 512 Mo for a video card won't be enough... they already need 512 right NOW.... so if the 729 is in the same price ranges... i guess i should wait... right?
msi gt725 in canada by newegg
Discussion in 'MSI' started by frank633, Jul 23, 2009.