fresh reboot, ran 3dmark, stock system i've installed some games and removed norton got 2111 in 3dmark06
what are some drivers/tweaks I can do to increase this score?
I know this box is able to get much higher than that.
(i was also not using turbo or gaming mode im waiting till after and then im gonna run all three to compare, also plan on OCing the video card and comparing that to gaming mode..anyone know exactly what all the modes do?)
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
yea, something is wrong...
Your not in power-saver mode, are you?
So many things to look at... -
completely stock drivers. no modes were on.
I just checked it was on balanced power settings...could that have done it?
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Try reinstalling your graphics drivers, something sounds seriously wrong there, you could set your machine to high performance for now, but that wouldn't cause an 50% loss of 3d performance. I'd either suspect the graphics card is faulty, or staying massively underclocked for some reason. I'd expect a mobility 3850 to hit about 4-5k in 3dmark 06 easily, especially as 06 is processor orientated with a modern gpu.
Have you got the latest bios for the laptop just in case? -
I don't have anything :X
3DMark Score
2111 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
842 N/A 13953
SM 3.0 Score
1286 N/A 20031
CPU Score
389 -
how do I get latest video drivers and such I remember reading that the notebooks dont support them and you have to do some odd thing to get the latest ones to work...i dont remember
Did you try it again after you changed it from balanced??
no not yet, what scores should this get? and how do i get the latest video drivers anyway can someone link me to that? i cant find it
It should score around 6500 to 7000 with the turbo enabled..
This is rather odd, turbo and high performance plan should sort that out though, oh and you have to be plugged in.
thanks guys, i'm in bed right now on my other lappy but tomorrow ill try with turbo+high performance..
so I guess no way to use the desktop drivers? i could have sworn there was some app that modded it for you or something -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
Good luck, im sure it will work out just well.
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
RE: Desktop to mobile Cats
Probably thinking of the Catalyst Mobility Modder... decent programme, not sure when it was last updated though, so it might not accept the mobility 4850 yet. I used to use it when I had the Xi1546, as FS were appalling when it came to drivers, and I couldn't be bothered to hand mod the drivers when I didn't need to -
When people get 3dmark scores this low it is 95% of the time either
1. CCC or Windows not in High Performance mode
2. Not plugged in. -
ok im not sure what it was, maybe the balanced settings but...
Your system
3DMark Score
6142 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
SM 3.0 Score
CPU Score
only things i changed were performance power setting and also I installed all the windows updates (through the updater)
much betternow going to run in turbo mode, then gaming mode, then i'm going to use mobility modder (which i checked and it does support this card) and install the latest ati drivers and repeat the process.
THEN after all that I may flash the VGA to bring its clock to normal (I heard it runs lower than stock) -
6196 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
SM 3.0 Score
CPU Score
gaming mode did NOTHING I guess it just changes to the "gaming" power plan. I thought it might OC the video card (which would explain why they dont want you using it with turbo enabled)
ok, turbo time. -
6473 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
SM 3.0 Score
CPU Score
though only 3328 MB of the ram is available on this 32bit vista... anyone know how significant a difference it makes on 64bit? all my games run really great so far, no problems. I played fallout3 on 360 the graphics were nothing special, but on this PC OMFG looks <33333333 -
with 9.6 drivers on turbo
6485 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
SM 3.0 Score
CPU Score
looks like msi's drivers were pretty good...not much of an improvement. -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Personally I find 64bit to be a little more stable; and the extra memory allowance does help in some situations. If you find you're getting close to your memory limit, go for the 64 bit upgrade, if you're happy, depends on if you want the hassle!
As I understand it the different modes including gaming are designed to effect battery usage et al, and are to do with relative powersaving, which is why Turbo doesn't work at the same time -
Yeah! Like mines with Vista Ultimate 64bit and OC'd the Video Card! + turbo'ed you should get 7000 points! The 64bit will give you that extra ram and it's 800mhz in turbo, this should help a little! But so far I still think the CPU and memory that came with the system sucks!!!
Attached Files:
3DMark Score
6464 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
SM 3.0 Score
CPU Score
with vista 64 turbo stock upgrades -
btw what did you use to overclock the videocard?
i followed the overclocking step by step quoted by another member of the forum in the other gt735 thread, overclocked to 630/666
my new scores are unbelievable.
7320 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
SM 3.0 Score
CPU Score
nearly 1000 points for overclocking videocard, only 200 points for overclocking processor.
I think this is proof those who say the AMD proc is the bottleneck of this system are ignorant. -
Secondded that statement above ^^
the AMD Proc and ATI combo have left you with some great results, 1000 marks, sheeesh, you made it sound easy
Whats the CPU clock at? -
I'm just using the turbo button for the cpu, let me check..
ok noticed something strange when loaded cpu-z
with turbo on it keeps alternating between 1327-2634mhz the multiplier is jumping from 5.5 to 11
i thought maybe it was throttling to save i ran still did it
anyone know whats going on? -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Probably the EIST/C1E equivalent <I forget AMDs current name for it> kicking in. Basically a lot of machines drop the clocks when they're not running high utilisation to reduce power usage. On desktops you can usually disable it with a combination of BIOS changes and turning the laptops power setting to high performance, rather than Balanced.
the only thing i can think of is that maybe its showing both cores alternating, and the second one is clocked slow? -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Try SuperPi mod XS version (allows multicore) could also try using IntelBurnTest on standard (that supports AMD too), run it on both cores and see if the same thing happens.
Standard SuperPi as I remember only runs the test on one CPU. -
turns out i was using that one. and actually while running it it is keeping it at 1317.3 mhz
something is wrong?
once i turn it off it starts to alternate again...maybe throttling for temperature? -
Get hwmonitor and run (does superpi use cpu fully?) wprime1024 or something that will use 100% usage.
ok so its not heat, even when idle at 150F its doing it and while running superpi 160F
someone help me understand this -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
If you can open up the advanced sections of your laptops BIOS (Alt+F11 or something; I've seen it mentioned somewhere), take some photos of all the menus with a digicam, and Im sure a few of us can take a look and see if we can see anything that might help you from a low level.
At least with a desktop this sort of stuff can usually be stopped straight from BIOS, so might be on this model too, considering if it's anything like the GT725 it may have overclocking options!
These sort of things are usually for power saving reasons, also, is your laptop plugged in, and what power profile is vista currently set at? -
plugged in, high performance.
google is showing me that there have been lots of people with amd processors complaining of the same thing -
) but the program you are looking for is called:
DriverHeaven Mobility Modder , and it can be found HERE!!!
Actual Link
For the CPU throttling try going into Vista's power management for High Performance and setting the CPU Power to 100% minimum usage on battery this usually overrides the throttling (at least it did on my nc8230 and Studio 15).Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
thanks for the advice, someone did answer already or else I found it some other way I don't remember ( got me 1000 extra points on 3dmark!)
and as for the power management, I had done that already and it doesnt help -
Sorry to hear that.
One quick Q though :
Does the GT735 have the ability to switch between the Integrated Graphics Processor and the HD 3850? -
low 3dmark 06 stock gt735
Discussion in 'MSI' started by l1lk1ll, Jul 3, 2009.