i come from the netherlands i had bought here a gt 780-235nl notebook
on the box was written 16 gig ram upgrade but it wont work because the core i 5 only accept 8 gig ram i found out on the intelsite.a littelbit faillure from msior mayby you no a solution
sorry for the bad writting greets plexter
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If it wont start at all it's DOA (dead on arrival).
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
It is common issue with the i5 unfortunately. It will only support 8GB of Ram.
Many machines suffer from this, not just MSI. (Clevo is the same way)
greetings form the netherlands plexter
i5-2410mdo not accept 16 gig memory onley
Discussion in 'MSI' started by plexter, Aug 28, 2011.