I have a GS60 2qe with a GTX970m which is extraordinarily good for gaming. League of legends, as everybody knows, it doesn't require a very good PC to run it properly and people love this game. But for my GS60, I have to turn on V-sycn to run it properly smooth, otherwise with it off, the fps will go way up to 300fps, but the graphic just consumes the GPU and CPU so hard, the fan will keep spinning at full speed and I tried to limit the fps to 60 it will start lagging and the graphic was very unstable. At first it will run perfectly fine, but later on due to the GPU or CPU weren't running properly, the fps will keep dropping, then it will be overheating, then eventually it will look like 30 fps.
Here is the simplest example of how bad the game experience will be when having V-sycn on for people who have never played LoL or other competitive games. It is 10ping against 100ping bad, yeah, it is that bad. V-sync slows you down, it is absolutely not designed for games require so much quick reactivity going on.
Finally, I guess this is why MSI's logo is no where to be seen in any LoL tournaments.
Apparently your cooling is not up to par, maybe need repasting. I would probably downclock cpu and gpu a little (maybe shut down cpu turbo for example) and that should solve the problem for now. Of course much better long term solution would be the cooling fix, beside repasting when was the last time you cleaned fan and radiator? Also not many laptops are designed to run full click for very long and some tinkering may be required, like stronger fans, cooling pad, liquid metal paste just to name few.
LoL runs perfectly on both my msi systems. Ge60 and gs60 2qe with 4k screen.
however, while i was trying to fix my cpu, I found that my cpu always running at full speed 3.29ghz all the time. I have never overclocked it, I put it on power saver mode, the speed still won't change.
All Vsync does is throttling your computer to render no more than 60FPS and without it, as you noticed already, pc will render as many frames as possible, running at max speed, so of course it will ramp up fan to keep it from frying.
Per your own words "the fps will keep dropping, then it will be overheating", so it seems to be overheating, the question is why? Is it because it runs at 3.2GHz at all time, or is it because of cooling, maybe both. In theory, properly set up computer should run at full speed, under 100% load without overheating, at least that's how I test my overclocks, is GS60 capable of doing that without modifications? I don't know. -
but huge thanks for you bro, I am playing around with the intel XTU, hope it helps. But I wonder why playing video games would eat my CPU power so much! -
1. Intel Speedstep is disabled in the BIOS (Software could also do this but you'd probably have to manually configure it).
2. Windows update running/maintenance services at idle.
3. Faulty touchpad driver which meant that any trackpad movement caused a spike in max CPU frequency.
4. Faulty motherboard.
Check the BIOS to see if speedstep is enabled.
If the CPU is constantly locked at the top frequency and you then stress the GPU - it's honestly not that surprising that the fan goes berserk and the system eventually throttles.
Can you post the temperature that the system reaches while playing LOL? With the CPU locked to the highest frequency, this would be noticeably higher than normal - and even more with the GPU heavily in use.Last edited: Mar 14, 2016 -
I'd be interested to see the result when you try to play LOL now - if you would be so kind as to post up some results, I'm sure I won't be alone in my gratitude to you.
What speed did you lock it to?
I think as long as it will not overheat and make the game unplayable, I am happy. After all, there are plenty games out there. I wonder there is a way to make Intel XTU's setting permanent, and, even though I don't understand why CPU affecting the game experience so much, I wonder would it be the GPU haha. So many questions asked, Thank you so much for all the support!
Here the same problem comes again, My Intel XTU tells me while i am playing the game, the temp was about 70 Celsius which is not overheating at all, but the graphic was very unstable later on the game and the FPS dropped so hard. Could anyone explain this?
1. not overheating(71C)
2. CPU speed was at 2.8Ghz ( 2.5ghz standard)
2. most updated drivers
3. game setting was MID, yes only mid and the res is 1280 x 960(personal prefer)
why the FPS still drop, why do I still getting bad gaming experience, why do I have to turn V-sync on to run this lovely game perfectly.Last edited: Mar 16, 2016 -
Are you monitoring both the CPU, and GPU clocks, temperatures and % utilization?
Try gaming with intel XTU recording power, current and thermal limits as well as utilization, and clockspeed on a large timeframe, use MSI afterburner for the GPU to monitor temps, clocks and % utilization. Are you running off HDD or SSD? Do you experience any freeze/hiccups when you are not gaming? Since the GS series uses optimus, we may have an additional issue with the intel GPU. Is the intel GPU using the latest drivers?
Locking the CPU to a certain speed was a good idea, now we must find out the rest of the story. When you run an unlocked framerate, it doesn't matter how bad the game looks, you are pushing your hardware to run as many frames as it can, pushing it hard. Unless you also cap frames, which you should, but that's another story.
Also, mind your language. No need to use foul language to discuss here.
Unrelated stuff to the issue at hand, and just curiosity, why do you game on mid and 1280x960? why do you want higher than, lets say, 100fps? I know some game engines do benefit from higher framerates, but as far as I know, LoL isn't one of them. I always ran it at 100fps vsync capped so I never experienced issues. -
I will not cap the FPS because it produces more lag to me but I don't have any problem while I am playing CSGO with 200 fps. Finally, why 1280x960, it is because I am a Master LoL player, just like other pro LoL player for example piglet, he prefers 1024x768, I prefer 1280x960, it is better for me to focus. Why mid setting because the laptop lags, I wouldn't wish for a higher setting even though I have a lovely 970M on the mother board. Thanks for your support. -
So I tested the Afterburner, the first try went pretty good. I put 70 more core clock(MHZ) and 300 more memory clock for the GPU, and during the whole game no lag( the game ended very quick though only 15mins). The temp was only about 60C, but there is a chart under the GPU chart that said the MAX was 83(it doesn't show it has a minimum temp), but my other monitor said MAX CPU 70C GPU 60C, I wonder what that chart would be recording. So since I overclocked the GPU and everything went fine, is it my GPU problem that the speed was set too slow? Is there a way to make it higher without overclocking it? Thank you so much.
Last edited: Mar 16, 2016 -
so, here is the result
without overheating GPU nor CPU, the FPS dropped due to nothing. I had everything sorted out, everything was running perfectly, but MSI just CAN't PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. I bought this machine about a year ago, I noticed that I had to turn on V-sync to run this game, so I compromised for a year but a year after, there is no way to use V-sync, no one is using V-sync on LoL. I know I look like a fool for those who do not play LoL, but this MSI just simply cannot run the most popular game in the world. Again, this is why MSI's logo is no where to be seen in any LoL tournaments. Thank you for all the supports, I have tried everything, nothing was wrong with my laptop but it just cant play LoL. -
Well, the last thing would be overclocking your monitor to lets say 88Hz instead of 60 through flashing EDID which would lessen stuttering but that is somewhat risky and you need to ask one member to spoil his time on creating EDID itself while your monitor could actually be a bad overclocker.
P.S. if it is 4k or 3k then I doubt it overclocks good if at all.Last edited: Mar 18, 2016 -
Without having your exact same laptop, I am afraid there is a limit to how much I can help. I suspect the issue might be with optimus, and without complete logs for over 1 hour, I cannot pinpoint what happened.
In the nvidia control panel, how is the performance set? You can try forcing high performance out of the GPU for LoL in specific, along with capping your CPU as you already have by limiting clocks. I suspect 2.8ghz-3ghz max would benefit you more than 2.4ghz, as high framerate is directly dependent on how much the CPU can feed you.
You can also use other programs to limit framerate, to maybe 150fps. No need to add vsync.
Another thing that could help you is to play directly on an external monitor connected to your mini display port. I believe that mini display port is connected directly to the dGPU, which should ignore any limits with optimus.
I use vsync on LoL because I run my monitor at a high refreshrate, and the input lag is minimal. While LoL is the most popular game in the world, you are not playing on the most popular settings, but instead on specific performance settings. The average LoL player is bad, and uses lower end hardware. Few people like yourself are actually aiming for pro play, so you do have very specific needs.
I would recommend, if you absolutely need the best : get an SSD, small one, and install LoL on it, nothing else that is not needed. Force your CPU to 3ghz max speed, preferably 2.8Ghz or so. Check if Silent Option from MSI fan control is available to you and use max fan when gaming. Overclock your GPU to +100/+100 clocks. Limit frames to 150 without vsync using tools, (will have to research online). Always use your battery connected. As far as I remember GS series has 150 PSU which might not be enough for extended periods of time and requires the battery for extra juice. Obviously always play with AC adapter, not on battery.
As for why you don't see MSI on LoL tournaments, its because the brands you do see, pay to appear, even if their system is not up to the task. Not all pro players will play like you, some will be worse.westcoastgeek likes this. -
Thank you for your compliments, I am flattered, but what I needed was just a very very basic thing for a very very basic and popular game, there is no doubt for that. All I needed was just smoothness for a very old graphic game, not even looking for a better looking setting. There is no what you said specific needs, I am no pro player, the only time I mentioned pro player is because some pros are using a very bad looking resolution for LoL which is looking backward. And if anyone think having V-sync on or off is no big deal only special people will care then try turn V-sync on in CSGO I bet you will suffer and turn it right off, it is just the same for LoL.Last edited: Mar 18, 2016 -
Vsync adds input lag definitely. That's why people don't like using it.
And yeah, if you run uncapped framerate, the CPU will give it its best for as much framerate as possible. For example, silly games like BroForce I can run up to 850fps hahaha. As for your CPU, you are only limited by power and thermal throttling limits when gaming, for the most part. Software like Throttlestop can help, specially if using PowerCut, at the cost of higher temps and power.
I do suggest to try gaming on an external monitor though. You are waisting extra smoothness because your LCD can't show you over 60hz, despite the game running at very high framerate. That's why I have mine run at 100hz -
Just throwing this out there. I had strange things like this happen back when I was using my 7970m. On occasion, a solution was to run the game in borderless window instead of full screen. Or, maybe it's already in borderless window and you need to switch it to full screen.
Were you able to record the moment the issue happens? (the framedrop) using monitoring software to see which device caused the drop? I am guess the GPU but who knows. You can try logging with GPU Z too, besides using MSI Afterburner as a monitor over X period of time. Intel XTU works for the CPU side.
If it's the GPU, you might need to get unlocked VBIOS and I would suggest underclock since Leage doesn't require the full power to run at high fps.
If it's the CPU, besides performance capping that you already tried, maybe try undervolting to reduce temps even more. At the 2.8ghz you were using, you should be able to undervolt quite a bit.
Are you using wireless or wired connection? Are you running the latest drivers for your wifi card, in case you are using wireless? It is know that older versions of the killer wifi caused issues. I would suggest updating your card and only use the drivers, not the software (killer network manager). -
I think you will need to ask Prema directly. He crafted the 980m I currently use and he removed power limitations here. There is also Svet that can probably help you. Remember to help support their work
You are welcome. I hope your issue goes away and you can enjoy the game.
I think Svet sort of solved my problem. He offered me a fair deal to let him optimize my laptop if I can send him my laptop right to him but obviously I live in Hong Kong wouldn't consider such option. He recommended me to use Nvidia inspector, which is something very similar with MSI Afterburner, I never touched those voltage settings because I thought there was plenty from the brick but then I saw the voltage bar right down there and it is so easy to use only 3 options why not give it a try. It has been 2 games, so far everything is doing great. Thank you guys so much, if don't mind me, may I ask is there a way to make that voltage input setting permanent? If I change the voltage in long terms would it hurt my rig? Thanks.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
@lhkplayer - Small, incremental changes are usually safe. You'll know when you've hit a threshold when you start seeing instability (BSODs, freezes, reboots, etc.).
Another way would be to make a script or bat file that runs when you launch your computer, and starts up nvidia inspector with the settings you want. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
So far, if Svet helped you then he's the right person to get the job done right.
He's not only good with BIOS but also VBIOS as well. -
unfortunately, I just played a game the problem is still there, guess I really have to sell this laptop. The lag is so wired, I have had a desktop even if it lags it will be only fps issue, but this laptop, it lags like I am having 100 ping, I can't do this anymore, I even click my mouse harder because things don't move the way they were. I had a perfect game yesterday, the game was so smooth, but i guess it is just a fundamental problem, the fps will always drop if I play long enough.
sorry for wasting everyons time here, i hope one day computer can be just like ios that the user don't need to tweak the system to get things up and running.
high-end MSI notebooks can't even play League of legends
Discussion in 'MSI' started by lhkplayer, Mar 13, 2016.