does it work in a 1029?
yes, but the mt is best.
Does anyone have a line on the cheapest mt?
Man this project is gonna die on this one point. Why on gods green earth would I buy a turion for $200? I mean, who out there is buying a turion still? These things should be $50 max they are totally obsolete. Marketing it the same price as a core duo is retarded -
$50?! They're not going to give it away!
If you're really trying to be cost effective, try e-bay, maybe they'll have an open-box item or something at a lesser amount.
Price is not driven by a product's obsolescence relative to other products, and I can tell you that a Turion single-core is far from obsolete. Prices will drop when there is a surplus of Turion chips and less people are buying them. The wonders of supply and demand.
If you look at many laptop websites, they are still offering (and probably selling ) plenty of single-core Turion models. -
link psssst! turions OC like a mofo ;P -
ok 120$ for a new 1.8
Still considering this route on a new notebook. 550+120 is what 670 out the door at the moment. Im feeling a 1039 should cost this much
I still feel $120 is like way too much. Im trying this out to reach a price point but whatever Im saving a huge chunk is going back to buying a cpu for retail, whereas the preassembled notebooks rip me off on everything else but the cpu is at least getting charged to me at closer to wholesale. -
Dude seriously consider the Dell e1505 with Ati X1400, you can get it for 700, and no stress......
lowest one I found with coupon and x1400was 830 + tax although free shipping. As a matter of fact, thats the cheapest you can get one for it is impossible to get one for 700
So, you prefer then a e1505 with a 1400 over a msi 1039 were talking then if I use my own ram and hd.
compusa has a sale on a 5672, for 899 with the 128 mb x1400. It is similar to the e1505 but it comes with 2 gb and 120 gb hd. and a wireless card.
the truth is Im trying to get this project for 500 total so right now 670 is 170 over. If getting a lower one isnt going to work one Ill end up just waiting about a month and a half and saving for 1500 to get a a8jm -
If you look you can, i will post a link as sson as find it.
]That notebook from compusa is nice, my brother in law bought it. but honestly the dell is better... just check the benchmarks. The acer 5672 has 128 video memory, and the dell one has 256, that gives soime considerable more power.
If you have the money for the a8jm i would not go for the 1029.........
By the way you have to search the dell website, they "hide" some good promotions... Rioght now yuou can´t get it for 700.... 2 weeks ago you could get for 700 shiped... -
Im almost at the decision point. I wouldnt go for more than 600 total out the door on an msi 1029 system and thats 100 past my better judgement.
I dont have any more money so Ill just have to save and get one in months, a full retail system for around 1250-1500 seems to be the best value.
If the cost of components drops in the next few months Ill consider it again.
I cant believe that msi 1029s are selling like hotcakes right now so I cant understand their cost, even less so turions. -
If I were you i would go for the Acer Aspire 5672 (with Ati X1600) or the new core duos as sson as the y come up (next month), you can get it at for $1069.00.
It´s cheaper then the ones you mentioned. It should also give you something like 40% 3d graphics improvement. Specially cause of the core duo or core 2 duo. -
english is not your primary language. theres nothing wrong with that.
Im looking for around $500 or less barebone. maybe 600.
Not looking for a retail system for more.
If I do get a full retail system Ill save up for month or two and get 1200. by then the systems will all be different. So whats fro retail now doesnt matter.
Concentrate on all of these sentences and we will have communicated fully. -
I know.... i just suggested, that instead of buying something aroun 1.5k like you sai.... it might have been a good idea to get something srounf 1k that would fit your needs.
That advice was for the future, not for now.... -
ok thanks.
Ya its possible when Im ready to move that the 5672 will be the best value.
It might have cd2, and also a x1650. But I couldnt predict from here.
I appreciate the thought. -
it will have its in the website it will have the name 5680wlmi, just check there... Also i saw an asus that the barebone is $599.00 with x1600 still think the price is wrong.
But check the link (it suports Core 2 Duo!):
Ok... you have to take everything of to get the price, but you can build it yourself. -
I did look it up
its for sale in canada
its 1800 cnd which means it will probably hit at 1400-1500 usd
its c2d 2.0 160 gb but its only 256 mb 7600. Not the x1650, the next gpu to be released. Thanks for pointing that out though I eliminate that one I think
Im much closer now to getting enough together. Im thinking 3 weeks. Possibly 5 weeks. Not much is going to change what Im looking for is a machine with a gpu not on the market now....
This machine right here is not available this is a leak.
this is sort of what Im shooting for. -
Very nice machine, did they mention any 3d mark score?
As I am buying only late this year I might wait to see if MSI will come up with a core 2 duo with ati x1650.
Even tough that are many bad posts in this forum they do build nice machines. The 1039 had almost 800 more points in 3dmark05 than asus with the same video card...
Another machine that cought my atention today is the Sony Vaio wich I tought would cost way more than asus, and for my surprise there is a machine with core 2 duo and Nvidia 7600 for $1350 in 15.4". (maybe it´s the starting price as it is not available yet)
So if the time come and I have to choose between ASUS/MSI and sony I will go for sony duo to the fact that they have better reputation. (not that asus has a bad one... just think the name is stronger for sony) -
msi 1039 is very attractive to me right now.
Something in the distribution messes up the price for me.
A complete msi 1039 costs around the same as a complete s96j from some resellers.
such as ibuypower, its 30 less for the same thing
BUT no barebones for less than 770. cheapest s96j is 550. fully 200 more. As a reseller said it comes with dvd always subtract 80 retail unless you have a dvd player that works.
So, if I saw msi 1039 for 550-600 id buy it. Id feel i got the right technology for thre future at half the price of a retail system. I dont think for instance a 5680 is going to be software compatible for one day longer it only has a faster cpu.
But its not happening. Market force keeps msi from competing with the market. Not a good sign. -
Hi stamar,
First check this website: (S96j for U$555 and MSi 1039 for $700 barebones).
One notebook that cought my atention right now if really this sony vaioaltough it comes with only 128 mb of dedicated memory you can buy a basic version for U$1180.00 with core 2 duo and Nvidia 7600. -
Thank you that is something to consider definitely.
my last laptop is a sony and its still limping along 4 years later.
I will look for reviews of that model too. Im interested in if the screen called x brite with hi color technology is any better than the one in the s96j 5672 or dell e1505 which are all the same lcd. -
Just found this $50 off in vaio fe790:
has anyone used an ml in a 1029
Discussion in 'MSI' started by stamar, Aug 23, 2006.