looking to upgrade my video card.
just wondering if this is possible or what options are there
i currnetly have a 9600m gt mxm2.1 type II
wondering if this card will work
VGA Bus Slot - MXM Slot MXM Type III b
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
No it will not.
You have an mxm 2.1 type III slot:
MXM technical before 3.0
That is different to mxm 3.0 type b:
MXM technical v3.0
You can get the 280m in the mxm 2.1 version, that should work (but you need a new heatsink because your stock heatsink only fits type II cards). -
thanks for the quick response.
You can like some of us have put in the FX 3700M, simmilar to the 280GTX but on a bigger process and lower clocks. It works in my gx 620 so no reason it wouldnt work in the gx 720. They can be had on ebay for less then $200 or through notebookparts.com for $200.
are they a mxm2.1 HE? and if so do i have to hookup more power into the card? and can i modify the old heatsink to work?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Yes mxm2.1 HE. You don't need to hookup more power.
Though you can't mod your heatsink, the screws are in the wrong places.
You need a heatsink that was made for a type III/HE card.
I think there was a similar notebook that came with an ati 4850, you could try using the heatsink from that. -
where could i buy this heatsink?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
theres 2 cards on the site, are they both mxm2.1 type III?
HP 8730w FX3700M 1GB NB9E-GLM3 MXM Video Card - 488125-001
HP Compaq 8730w FX3700M 1GB NB9E-GLM3 Video Memory Card - 460734-001 -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I think so, since they both are for an HP 8730w.
i have an msi gt725 heatsink laying around here actually
pm me if u need it.
can anyone verify this ? i tried from the store and they could not.
both are mxm2.1 type III
I ordered the first 1 and will verify in a few days
seems HP doesnt reconize the second part number
HP 8730w FX3700M 1GB NB9E-GLM3 MXM Video Card - 488125-001
HP Compaq 8730w FX3700M 1GB NB9E-GLM3 Video Memory Card - 460734-001 -
Moral hazard,
do you know if i will need anything other then heatsink compound?
for this upgrade, i have the card and and heatsink on its way.
tia -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
You will probably need either new heatsink screws, or better yet a new backplate for the GPU (thing that the screws are screwed into).
But can't be sure about that.
For me, going from a 9800m GS to an FX 3700m I did use new screws because the screwholes in the backplate of the 3700m were too small.
I could have used the backplate from the 9800m and swapped it over to the 3700m, but I sold the card with the backplate. -
i see thid card on ebay
Nvidia Quadro FX 3700 FX 3700M MXM III for IBM W700
the picture is a mxm2.1 type III card
the sellers says it only works for the IBM.
does anyone know if this is true, could i flash the card to work on
my msi? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
It works on MSI, well sort of. It will work with an external screen, but wont work on the internal screen. Using a different vbios could help, but can't say for sure.
I would stay away from it. -
good to know thank you.
the hp ones should be fine ? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Yes the HP cards should be fine.
i finally got the card, and it is installed.i`m trying to get proper drivers
istalled. i dont know if i need to flash the bios or download the drivers.
i took the ones of the nvidia site anad installed them manually.
could anyone point me in the right direction?
tia -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I get my drivers from laptopvideotogo.
I have tried the drivers from there. they work.
I have been doing alot of reading, and for some reason the card is not
performing as good as it should.
3dmark06 im only getting a score or 7400, and some other posts i see scores of 12999.
i have tried different bios`s and modified the drivers to the gtx280m
same scores
any ideas to improve this? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
That score suggests that it's not letting you have access to the "extra" clocks.
A vbios mod could fix that.
Do you have a HP 3700m? I can mod the vbios for you if you want. -
yes its a hp bios
could you email it too me [email protected]
I have tried the 1 you posted in another thread
10.6 or something like that -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Before I mod the vbios, can you run GPUz while you run 3dmark and watch the sensors tab (in GPUz). Check what core frequency you hit (max).
This will tell us if you are getting the extra clocks or not. -
ok give me 10
thank you -
max core was 383
i didnt do the whole test, just a few mins of it. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Ok I have attached the modded vbios to this post.
I got the idea from this:
EDIT: All I did was replace perf. table 3 with the info in perf. table 4.
That should get you the fulls clocks.Attached Files:
max core with that bios is 275 , lower then before
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I don't know why that is, seems to be stuck at throttle clocks with that vbios.
You can try the second vbios I have attached to this post, if it gives even lower clocks then we will have to think a bit more about why it's happening.
Are you running win7?Attached Files:
yes im running win 7 x86
yes it is even lower with this one
core is 200 mhz -
will nvflash a .bin file?
i saved the bin that came with the card -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
You can just rename it to .rom.
Dont know if nvflash will work with a bin file..
I'm thinking of flashing a 9800m GS vbios onto my card, if it works, you could try it too. That might solve your problem with the clocks.
I have flashed a 9800m GTX vbios and 280m vbios onto my card, worked but not well. -
sure i would try both if they work on yours.
seems the cahnges to the other bins got lower. i wonder what would happen if you lowered the clock speeds . would they get higher on y system ?
could i send you my bin? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Here is what is happening:
With your stock vbios, the card is running with 3d clocks (383mhz) max.
With a modded vbios in which I told the card to think the extra clocks were 3d clocks, the card runs with throttle clocks max.
Then when I tried to trick it and make it think the extra clocks were the throttle clocks, it ran with the 2d clocks.
It seems to be some sort of protection.
It would be good if you could upload your stock vbios somewhere (rapidshare maybe). -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Small problem, it's telling me I reached my DL limit. Can you use another host?
you could just reset your modem, and have a new ip after the restart.
that what i do when that happens -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I have a static IP.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
That link worked.
Just in case you didn't know, you can mod your vbios with nibitor. It's pretty easy, many guides out there.
You will have to troubleshoot to get this GPU to work.
Might want to lower the voltage for the "extra" clocks. That might help. -
yeah i have been playing around with nibitor. couple edits i have been getting the scramble screens after login. i have bumped up my 3d settings to extra. i will try lowering the voltage on the extra. do you think the 280m drivers would effect anything?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I have no idea about the drivers, might be worth a try.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Did you try updating the bios? Can you run the same bios as the GX729?
i have the latest bios for the 1722
not to sure about the 729
i will try the stock drivers -
Any updates on this one since I am planning to get a FX 3700m also... I have a 1722-ID2
I havnet had as much time as i would like to test. but i am only seem to get the 3d clocks and idle clocks out of the card.
I would like to get the 3d extra,, the cards full potenial.I have had alot of help from the guys here.and its top notch
xenile the card does work, but missing the extra clocks, maybe the bios of the laptop. could be the card. its still faster then the stock card, and runs fairly cool around 52 c and under load 62 c at max -
niffcreature ex computer dyke
Its possible that because this laptop is 17" it does not have enough voltage to run this card. That is what i'd guess could be going on, although it may still be fixable.
You can also use a gtx 280m vbios if you have the sticker with the .10 vbios version.
although the BIOS you uploaded is not the .10 version so you might not have that card.
I've uploaded the later HP .10 vbios as well as the stock Lenovo vbios. Note this doesnt have anything to do with wether or not you can flash to a 280m, its the sticker that came with the card.
A note on the lenovo 3700m cards: I am currently testing one in my Clevo. It works fine so far, although I think its a little warmer.
It works with the HP vbios as well.
Moral hazard, I dont think flashing it with a 9800m gs bios is a good idea. Think about it this way, who knows what the 64 undetected shaders are going to be doing.
Also I dont think renaming the .bin files is good, arent they compressed?Attached Files:
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
When you save a bios with GPUz, it gives you a .bin file, which I usually rename to .rom before I flash.
I flashed a 9800m GTX vbios onto the card, the extra shaders were still there.
Didn't get a chance to run 3dmark because something strange was going on with the temps.
gx720 video upgrade
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Phenom71ca, Oct 2, 2010.