after my alienware gpu burned i needed a cheap and new notebook..
i decided to get the gx70 from msi with the amd a10-5750m apu.
but damn, this is bottlenecking the gpu (amd 8970) so hard..
every game i play (mostly call of duty) this thing hits 100% load on all 4 cores and the gpu is just farting now and then..
is there anyway to upgrade the cpu, or oc the out of it..
i got it 3 days, and the charger blew up today so its @ msi hq now, but i want to have a serious performance boost in-game
No, there's not. Do yourself a favor and tell MSI to keep it.
why that negative?
my alienware is faster in games i play because they are quite heavy on the cpu.. most of them..
but its not a bad machine AT ALL,,
in battlefield 4, performance is higher on the gx70 than its on my gtx675m/i7 alienware (mainly because the i7 is eatin out of his nose int hat game)
in future, more games will be more gpu using, not cpu, i think.. so the performance for the money its still a good machine -
Well, that's your opinion. Back to the OP though, no, you can't switch out any internals. Outside of hdd/memory/optical.
Keep it. Mantle will do a ton for alleviating CPU bottleneck in future games which support it. Also, this will give you a 10-15% CPU boost: -
i hoped so..
i will also upgrade the alienware to a new gtx7xx card as soon as possible (i will order a card next week i think)
so i will keep it (if msi returns it quick enough.. as im: before my patience runs out) -
I'm confused. What exactly are you trying to do? Keep the MSI or buy a replacement GPU for your Alienware or do both? Depending on what GPU you get, the Alienware will be much faster in games due to the i7.
i do both..
i have the alienware, but its broken.. the gpu burned out.. so i needed a replacement (cheap and fast)
so i bought the gx70 as a second gaming rig.. but after 3 days the charger blew up.. and have to wait for rma now... -
OK I see. FYI if you were to get a new GTX 700M series card for the AW, the 765M would be the cheapest card which would meet or exceed the MSI in all but the most GPU-limited games. But coming from a 675M, only the 770M and up should be considered upgrades for that particular machine.
it will be 680 or 770,,
in case of 770 i will oc till the edge, and see how it goes..
but first i have to see if alienware will send me a replacement 675m... if they do, i stick with it, till maxwell (probably flash the unlocked vbios an get it up to 700mhz+ on core)
but... i have to get the msi cpu bit a lot faster to compete with the raw i7/gtx power of the alienware, in games i play now, it really doesnt even touch the alienware (because of dying gpu, i have the 675m on 405mhz on core, and it still performs more consistent than the a10+8970m, while this monster gpu would smack the 675m's all day) -
Between 680M and 770M, get 680M for sure.
Besides the trick I showed you, there's nothing you can do about the A10 APU. You're experiencing firsthand now terribly underpowered it is for driving an 8970M, especially compared to an i7. Mantle can't come soon enough for GX60/70 owners. -
the thing with this apu is, that if u use heavy gpu loaded games (like bf4..) it doesnt REALLT neck it soo much..
its more like,, a bit..
770m vs 680m will be a 770m for me, since the price is half, and the 770m has a 75w tdp.. the 680 has a 100w tdp.
my heatsink is designed for 100w cooling, and there is a modded vbios for this card, wich removes the +135mhz overclock neck...
this means.. i can go 770m + SICk oc (by sick i mean overvolt it a bit, and crank it up to +160mhz core + 200+mhz mem..) then it will smoke the 680..
gx70 apu, probs
Discussion in 'MSI' started by aron-r4, Nov 21, 2013.