version 1.11 is now out at the web site. doesnt say much about what it changed except added hardware support but i always keep up on new bios'
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
the gx620 can not use a quad??? i have tested it personally.....with a qx9300 and a q9200
i wonder if this new one could add anything to the v1 1651... im gonna drop a quad in it tonight just to give it a shot and see... it says its for added hardware support im wondering what the added hardware support is... what else could it really be for the gx620 other than maybe a new cpu or gpu
What does this BIOS add that my default system didn't come with?
Is it worth it to flash? -
If you haven't noticed any problems with your system, then no its not really worth flashing the new bios.
lol wow so close.... with a q9200 system turned on and ran fans and all.. num lock... i shut it down and replaced with the t9800 and when booting to windows this time it said i didnt shut down right.. so i shut down properly let it fully shut down.. put the q9200 back in... same result win7 went to the startup repair after trying to start it up with the quad... both times it had a black screen though. with the 1.0z bios it would simply turn on and quickly shut off. ill bet they can make this work with a quad if they really wanted to i dont care what they say about mobo updates blah blah sager did the same in the past and with a new bios updates were possible
Course they could, but they won't lol.
Hey Zfactor Maybe the lappy needs more juice.
Try a 120watt adapter and see if that fixes the problem. -
ill try that tomm.
So do guys know what new device is supported in the new bios 1.11
I just finished flashing and everything looks the same? -
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Can anyone with a gx620 check to see if they lost the advance menu in the bios? I recall that the gx620 older bios did have an advance menu. I am curious if this bios is "exactly" the same for all the notebooks.
there is no advanced menu
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
that blows. I wish i could flash to an older bios from the 1651 idi or gt627 that had one.
lol darth....I keep telling you, the S version bios works for your laptop. Thats the bios version that has the advanced menu.
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
i thought the european version of the gt627 had quadcore support
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
1.0s did not have quad support as far as i am told
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
If all bios are the same for these laptops, then where is the information stored about the model of the computer. For example, in my bios it says "gt628", in yours it will say something else. -
yah mine says gx620 in the bios.
I think the bios reads the model number from the EC.
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
yes same results. though i wonder if i flashed with the 628 ec and this bios if it would work.. tempting to try but i need my notebook right now
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
I suggest trying the EC first. -
gx620 / 1651 new bios out at msi
Discussion in 'MSI' started by zfactor, Oct 7, 2009.