hi all, i'm looking to make my gt780dxr-279us with a gtx570m in it, very silent.
the fan is too noisy just idling, i know laptops can be little noisy but this is more than a little bit noisy. i can't change fan speed in msi afterburner but the fan has 3 wires that should allow software to control it.
The fan goes so fast my idle temps are 38c for vga and 41c for cpu. idk if thats right.
is it possible to hardware mod or firmware mod to adjust the fan speed curve so it will go slower ?
i'm very comfortable with modding the hardware and i would prefer flashing a new silent firmware.
so any ideas?
I have Gx660 and the fan is spining all the time I dont like that either we need integrated graphics ... but I dont have integrated graphics on gx660 so no way of thurning off the fan ...cpu and graphic card are heating to fast so the fan need to spin all the time
If we can underclock everything the cpu and G card than maybe .. But I heard of some bad graphic glitches when graphic card is underclocked alot
i ran msi afterburner and turned down the clock speeds on my vidcard
stock: 575/1150/1500
lower clocks at: 525/1050/750
it does absolutely nothing for fan speed and noise. it takes too long to become a low noise and still too prime and ramps up the fan speed too quickly.
i'm thinking at this point i need a firmware hack for this, or a new silent design fan.
so any suggestions? -
Custom firmware for GPU underclocked with fan settings from 0rpm and up ..not from 30 and up like now and Cpu can be adjusted in unlocked Bios
But like I said GPU is probably not gona work on very low clock.
Thats why manufacturers make laptop's with two graphics one integrated and one non integrated and you can switch between them so if you want noiseless laptop and long lasting battery use integrated graphics and for gaming use non integrated. But I have Gx660 with only One graphics Radeon HD 5870m and I cant stand noise all the time comming from the fan so I need to find solution too or to sell Gx660 and buy another laptop with two graphics. -
nvidia or msi for some reason decided to remove or not include optimus in this laptop or the vid card.
such a pity too, it would surely help during idle times. -
Does everyone here have the GTX570m in a MSI GT780? The reason I ask this is because I have the Barebones model (1761) which uses the same exact parts and the only time I ever hear my fans running is when I am in high performance mode and using demanding software or gaming. I usually stay in Balanced mode when surfing the web and the fan is silent. You literally have to put your ear next to the vent to hear it running.
I don't know if anyone has tried but I think the Pro version of Hardware Monitor Pro has fan speed controls. The free version will not have them.
Also, has anyone tried Speed Fan? -
i hear it just sitting idle, it woooshes up and down idle.
Some icons in tray area, nothing that requires the cpu really just status stuff (intel rst, msi klm, realtek), razer mouse icon, no AV (for now just doing tests).
speedfan is a wash, it shows no controlers in the options, no fans.
hwmonitor should display fans either way, just pro controling them, right? -
Driver = 295.51 -
I'm not familiar with that laptop, but if it shares a fan for CPU and GPU check out the thread about "Force fans to go faster" and use that program to force them to go slower. It should work with most MSI machines that have only one fan.
its just like mine, it wooshes up and down every once in a while i haven't timed them but it seems like the fan is really primed and acts too quickly with just the single hint of heat from the whole system.
like for example, i'm currently transfering files from internal drive to an external one plugged in to a usb 3 port, and the fan is going like i'm doing some heavy gaming. yes the P1 is off and the boost cool button too.
i do get really nice cool temps a shown above, but i'd wouldn't mind if it were quieter if it meant a 5-6 degrees warmer.
Or better yet just slow down the fans low enough that we don't hear it, keep spinning longer but slower more quiet.
Would be a better way, i read once that below 300rpm the human ear can't hear it, so if it spins at say 100-200rpm it would keep the air flow going and not heard.
anyone can do that ?
oh and my gpu-z bios is: 70.24.2C.00.08 (P1314-002)
is this current? -
do you have the link ? the search here is not so good. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
A 3-wire fan has power, ground, and a tachometric output, which provides a signal with frequency proportional to speed. The tach signal indicates whether the fan is running and its rate of speed.
A 12-V fan (rated maximum voltage). Such a fan may require at least 7 V to start spinning. When it does start spinning, it will probably spin at about half its full speed with 7 V applied. Because of the need to overcome inertia, the voltage required to start a fan is higher than the voltage required to keep it spinning. So as the voltage applied to the fan is reduced, it may spin at slower speeds until, say, 4 V, at which point it will stall. These values will differ, from manufacturer to manufacturer, from model to model, and even from fan to fan.
The simplest way to check if it's a bad fan is to have MSI or the dealer in the case it's a Whitebook replace the fan.
If replacing the fan doesn't fix the issue then it's possible a bad voltage controller which might reguire a motherboard replacement.
Running the fan at 100% all the time might fix rev ups and downs but it will surely lessen the life of the fan.Attached Files:
thanks WTP, i do have the 3 wires on my fan, so i guess its a firmware, bios thing that maybe msi did themselves?
i'm not sure anyone said anything about running the fans 100% all the time, perso its what i'm trying to avoid to be honest.
Low rpm would spin longer than a 10-15 seconds at every webpage but so low that we can't hear it. thus fixing the problem.
i hope it would stop eventually stop when the temps are low enough of course.
good advice. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
If it were a bios problem all units with the same bios would suffer the same issue.
If a new fan doesn't fix the issue then you should send it to MSI for repair.
Hacking bioses and running a home made app is not a correct solution for your issue....IMO. -
i know, but does your gpu-z bios string look like mine ?
idk if its just a noisy fan (to be clear its not crackling sounds just fan blade noise, like air moving too fast) or the bios/firmware settings, heck i don't even know if i have the stock firmwares.
i flashed the msi original bios myself but not GPU firmware, i wouldn't even know where to start to mod a bios, but if that's what happened to this unit...
Like i said a while back it was a demo and was on the display counter for a while, so it could have been changed by someone before me then returned. The owner of the shop even told me he brought it home and played a few big games on it when he received it, which is fine, but if he made a bios mod like that for cooler temps, i'd be open to flash with stock bios/firmware/EC if it means fixing the fan problem. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Duplicate Post
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
My GPU-Z is linked.
I recently updated to bios 1761_30H and EC Firmware 4.19 from MSI.You shoud do the same before appling hack jobs.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi...t780-gt783-owners-lounge-620.html#post8317094 -
i just flashed the bios 30H and the EC aswell, and no change in fan speed, so it must be the standard MSI is setting for their fans.
we have the same bios version and same hardware in fact, same 1.5gb ram.
i had a chance to play with some spare 2.5" drives lately and i looked at the fan itself in the machine and it looks in fine condition, like new, i don't know if sending to get a fan replacement would do any good, i'd surely get the same model back. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Send the whole unit to MSI service and get it fixed.
There's not going to be some miricle cure or Harry Potter waving his magic wand over your unit.
You've complained long enough without a cure.
Get MSI to fix it. -
i have the same drivers but another bios string, idk about the fans but i'll check.
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
I doubt a driver will fix your issue.
You need to send it in to MSI service. -
yes i have the 295.51
i know a driver wont fix the issue,
and i'll send it in eventually when i can spare it even though i have my doubts. -
Update: After more testing, my issue doesn't happen on a fresh boot. If I close the lid and the computer goes to standby, the next time I wake it, the issue comes back. I pressed my Turbo Fan button and let it sit at max for about 5 seconds then turned it off. My fans aren't ramping up every 10 seconds to max now.
So to others, if you having your fan go to max speed rather often even when just idling, and then back down to near silent then back up again, see what happens on a fresh restart and/or pressing the Turbo Fan on/off. Works for me, and I can live with that. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You could try programming a new fan profile in the "force fans to go faster" thread.
I don't think that it's malfunction of fan. Mine is doing same thing, but only when temps of GPU is lower than 37C and CPU 40C. After temps rises above mentioned numbers fan kicks in. That wooshing is just indicates that fan turned on. After sec it starts to operate at 30% fan speed and as soon as my temps decreases till 37C GPU or lower than 40C CPU, fan just turn itself off. That's thermal policy of this notebook, I think. My ambient now 21C. So, I guess as soon my ambient will rise till 24C and my idling temps will be 38-40C on GPU fan will operate constantly at 30% of it's speed. Previously my ambient temp was 27C and my idling temps was 41-43C on GPU and I never heard fan wooshing. It just operated at constant speed.
tim4: maybe you've got something there, i'll see f i can keep my temps a lil over 37 and 40 , hope it works
And you can always use program from Meaker mentioned thread. Good luck and don't worry about your laptop. It's fine.
did You ever get the *fan issue* resolved?
My GT780DX is brand new, and the main fan (on the left) is driving me insane, kicking off even when laptop is idle.
Looking fwd to your reply -
serum, no its a bios problem, if you unplug you should hear the fan less, however when plugged in the wall, it goes back to full time working. like right now i'm just typing here, and i hear it like at 30% i guess. but its on full time, no slowing down.
there might be something you can do in windows power profiles, like setting your cooling method to passive instead of active, i haven't tested this in real world, however during playing games you may need to set your power profile to max performance so it can start up again.
its a bit of trouble just for playing but lets face it 90% of our time (well mine anyway) is spent working or idling the laptop, so it helps to have 2 power profiles, now if only we could switch them by pressing the P1 button when needed that would improve things.
but frankly nvidia or msi just needs to address the issue and come up with a firmware solution like idk, higher thermal value brackets so the fans don't work all the time?
there's a bios unlocking thread around here, lemme see... http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi/616823-comprehensive-msi-unlocked-bios-xmp-support-thread.html
haven't browsed it in a while, maybe there's something in there. -
Thanx for speedy reply
So You never brought it in for service..? Surely this fan behaviour can´t be normal. Reading on this forum, most people seem to have a silent MSI during idle/simple tasks, and we don't.
recently i took the laptop on the road for 2 weeks, staying at various hotels, and there is one thing i noticed: the type of desk the laptop is on makes a difference, for one i had the laptop on my legs the other day working and could barely hear it, now i have it on a plastic table and i hear allot. i also put it on a workdesk in a hotel recently and the noise wasn't as bad.
i think where you put it makes a difference. some how the experts at msi missed the acoustic problem all together of the fan. idk if other GT laptops have this problem but this GT780dxr sure does.
Truth is with a powerfull videocard that overheats at a mere look in its direction i'm not surprised. i can't imagine those poor suckers (hem i mean clients) with a GTX580m on board.
i did notice the noise is less intense if you remove the bottom of the laptop, but also if you cup your hand right over the fan when it's open, the noise is dampened by allot. So i'm thinking maybe some kind of fabric or tissue, or noise canceling material (foam,fabric,etc) could be glued to the bottom plate right over the fan maybe.
One would need to find something appropriate to put there so the noise stays dampened permanently.
i'm glad i'm not the only one who has this problem, if you try things or if you find a solution let us know ? -
Hi again!
I brought mine in to the Dealer, and their conclusion was just like yours: this is how this machine (and all high-performance gaming laptops) works: i.e. it prevents overheating way ahead of the temps actually rising, based on spikes in the CPU usage.
We compared it to another GT780DX at the dealer, and it sounds the same.
So... I guess we're just more sensitive than others. Mine is for music production and the fan (especially when it goes on and off) really annoys me (and my gf). For the fan to go off even when just browsing or word processing is just stupid :-/.
I guess our only hope if this is updated to work for the 780:
...though we'll obviously Force our Fans to go *slower*...
...or to just open it up and disconnect the fan when not doing any high-power stuff??
well that's unfortunate to hear, but with a better bios and less "proactive" fan control, things can be evened out and made pleasant for everyone, especially msi's clients.
who cares if the machine sweats a little, human ears should be preserved even at the cost of a little premature hardware degradation !
if i knew how to edit bios i surely would do something about this. -
I think I'm onto something
0) I got RW Everything (latest portable version):
RW-Everything Utility Free Download to Access and Dump Computer Hardware Info My Digital Life
...and extracted it in a folder called RW in Program Files folder.
1) I got Pherein's tool for the GX640:
...and extracted those files to a folder on my D drive called FAN SPEED.
2) I edited the bat files so that they point to the correct folders (the folders mentioned above).
3) I created a new profile (.rw-file and .bat-file) based on 'Quiet' where I simply put the fans on 16% on all temps except the highest.
4) When clicking this new file (Quiet2.bat) it opens RW Everything and the fans go quiet.
Here's how the Quiet2.rw looks. I'm sure it can be fine-tuned, but it's a start. The repeated 0x10 values are the fan speeds (=16% in hex).
Temperature thresholds part 1
>WEC 0x6A 0x37
>WEC 0x6B 0x41
>WEC 0x6C 0x46
>WEC 0x6D 0x4B
>WEC 0x6E 0x50
>WEC 0x6F 0x55
>WEC 0x70 0x5A
Fan speeds part 1
>WEC 0x72 0x10
>WEC 0x73 0x10
>WEC 0x74 0x10
>WEC 0x75 0x10
>WEC 0x76 0x10
>WEC 0x77 0x55
>WEC 0x78 0x64
Temperature thresholds part 2
>WEC 0x82 0x37
>WEC 0x83 0x41
>WEC 0x84 0x46
>WEC 0x85 0x4B
>WEC 0x86 0x50
>WEC 0x87 0x55
>WEC 0x88 0x5A
Fan speeds part 2
>WEC 0x8A 0x10
>WEC 0x8B 0x10
>WEC 0x8C 0x10
>WEC 0x8D 0x10
>WEC 0x8E 0x10
>WEC 0x8F 0x55
>WEC 0x90 0x64
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
How's it sounding so far? i look fwd to trying this myself.
keep an eye on your temps and report back
i hope there's not much difference in temps, i'd be ok with a 5c difference if it means the noise is minimized. -
can you attach your files to a post when you are confident of the values ? -
ah i see it works with v1.52 available here: http://jacky5488.myweb.hinet.net/Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
...and does it have the desired effect on your fan?
I have now changed *all* values to 0x10 (ie I changed the 0x55 and 0x64 values too), and the fan keeps quiet!
I don't care much about temperatures for now, I'm just enjoying not having to hear that fan. I will report back how it behaves under stress (video editing etc) later though
i might have to experiment with other values, i suppose the quiet.rw could be enough for me, if i tweak it a little.
thanks for finding this solution, it seems to be working pretty good ! -
Thanks for advice
It's trial & error initially, and you're right, it shuts itself down with that profile (all at 16%) before damage is done. This happened even when doing low-intensity stuff, so the MSI seems sensitive to these things
I've now upped it to 20-30% at lower and 60% at higher temps, still fine-tuning...
Thanks again for the tool -
good advice, i'm still tweaking the values myself.
20/30/60% is going good ? -
I'm using two profiles now:
Quiet (for when watching movies etc, when fan volume isn't heard anyway):
40 40 40 40 40 40 100% (ie 100% on highest temp to prevent shut-down).
Quiet2 (for browsing/word/graphics, when fan volume annoys):
30 30 30 30 30 40 80%
These profiles seem to work okay -
so with this tweak the fan doesn't spike at max anymore?
here's my current .rw file , notice the last 3 lines, they make RW close after its done its job. no need for the script program.
the avg temps are in the low 50c which to me is very acceptable considering it was originally running at 40% fans speed and idling at 39-42c before this fix. now its idling at 50c with 10% fan.
For my ears, this little program is a god send.
the 1st fan speed of 0x0A means its running at 10% which for normal idling is just fine. the rest of the fan speeds are taken from the quiet.rw file and moved down 1 row. for me its super quiet and when it needs to ramp up the fan it can do so without much disturbance.
here is my batch file, feel free to modify it for your use:
And to answer quertiy's question, now the laptop is actually usable day to day, quiet as can be and doesn't wooosh anymore. -
What are the default values for gt780dx? When I apply the "default" profile, the fans max out. And what is the difference between set1 and set2?
Exquisite tool.
gtx570m noisy fans, need silent firmware
Discussion in 'MSI' started by smitty123, Jan 23, 2012.