ok i have a pair of MSI24D4S7S8MB-8 so 16 gb in total
then i bought a pair of the same with the same model number, i installed them, and started the laptop but black screen
when i remove the ram i can start the system again,
is the ram defective? or do i have to do something else
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Did you wait 3 minutes before giving up?
Also try holding down the power button for 50 seconds, then release it, then wait *three* minutes.
Should start boot looping after 3 minutes (keep waiting) until it finishes. -
ok when i press and hold the power butten it powers on then off and stays off, then i have to plug in the power supply before i can power on, after that i just stays on with black screen, it did that for about 10 minutes, when i remove the modules, i do the power butten thing it does what you say boot looping 3 times and then starts up, but not with the two other dimms occupied
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
That means the two RAM dimms you inserted are defective.
When I bought two Kingston Valueram dimms off amazon and put them in to add to my existing 2x8GB "MSI" dimms (which are simply Kingston Valueram with a MSI SPD), I had no problems.
RMA the two sticks you bought. How did you even buy them to begin with? They aren't for sale. They must have been discarded used parts (pretty obvious why they don't work).
This is the stuff you want.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LW6HBSM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1raserdk likes this. -
bought them used, off ebay, creating a dispute now
thanks for your help
Falkentyne likes this.
gt73vr 7rf titan pro ram help
Discussion in 'MSI' started by raserdk, Aug 12, 2018.