will i get full speed as specified by the SSD?? ive heard something about marvel or jmicron controllers making it not posible to achieve full speed. does this msi have this controllers??
i am also welcoming recomendations for any SSD brand that has worked for you guys
MSI is non-specific, so you should be able to use any SSD you want in it.
As far as getting the full speed from your SSD, you may want to start by reading this guide The SSD Optimization Guide - The SSD Review
and Windows 7 - SSD Tweaks and Optimizations in Windows 7
I'm personally running an OCZ Vertex 3 in my desktop machine since Nov. 2011 and I have not had any issues with it. The only downside I have observed with this drive is that in order to update the firmware, I have to set it up as a secondary drive and then update the firmware with another drive setup with the OS installed on it.
My wife will get getting a Samsung 830 SSD installed in her rig in another week. Based on reviews I have seen, it seems to be a pretty decent drive.
There are several other popular choices I have seen here in the forums such as the Intel 510 and Intel 520 SSD and the Crucial M4. -
about updates un ur vertex 3, i believe there is a linux based update right??
and what about the settings that need to be turned off?? like defrag?? does windows turn it off by itself or did u have to do it manually??
also has someone used an SSD in my current laptop?? are there any screw problems?? anything i should know??
help is always apreciated -
I installed a Kingston hyperX in my MS-16F2, which is the barebone of basically what you have.
My 4K random read/write is throttled. My sequential write is also throttled. Sequential read on the other hand isn't.
It's still fast but you don't expect desktop results.
Of course, this is after the tweaks in power settings via registry, 4k alignment and windows optimization -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
If you are benchmarking a SandForce SSD with CrystalDiskMark then you need to change the default setting that uses incompressible data to 0-Fill for compressible data that SandForce uses.
With every new Intel Chipset driver/software version things get a bit better on series 6 chipsets SATA III support.
Using Anvil Storage Utilities benchmark do 3 separate runs.
#1 = 0-Fill (all compressible data)
#2 = 46% (mix of compressible and incompressible data)
#3 = 100% (all incompressible data)
Anvil's Storage Utilities -
As you can see on the list.
DeFrag scheduling should be disabled by default. I don't recall having to touch anything with that utility.
The Samsung SSD may have a spacer to use with it if it is needed. Nothing else that I can tell you as far as the other SSD drives go. Most of them are just plug and play. -
also, thank u all for ur support -
Once you go ssd youll never go back ha.. well youll go back to the place you bought it for MORE of them. I run SSD drives in all of my machines, an extreme night and day difference for sure. Pick up at least a 120gb and run the 500gb default drive for storage. Im still using a first gen ocz drive in my desktop and its STILL amazing to this day.
Vertex 3 on my 16f2 right now though, its a beast indeed.
gt683dxr planning to switch to SSD and i have a question
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Flapo, Mar 8, 2012.