hi guys
i was thinking of getting myself a new msi g725-074 until i read many posts in the owners lounge that many have experienced a screen bleed and that it is significant.
ive seen it on video and it does seem like a deal breaker
i am wondering wether this is an issue for the 075(1920x1080) only or extends to the 074 version also
Maybe I'm blissfully ignorant, but I think the screen looks fine.
from what i have read its a problem with GT725-075US version. apparently its a 3-5yo lcd model. My GT725-074 is crisp and clear no bleed at all.
ok thats what i wanted tp hear.
so the 074 is safe from this issue?
one more thing is i think the 4850 is too weak to drive a 1920x1080 display in games maybe a year from now and i always play in native res.
so i think the res and specs of the 074 suits me best -
I have the 074 model
Well, one guy suggested to get a black background screen and look at the bottom edge in a very dark(copletely if possible) room. The bleed should show up as a whitish area at the bottom of the screen.
I did a q&d(used blank black screen from screen saver and set it to preview then pulled the shades) on my -074US and there was some whitish area at the bottom, but in every day use it's fine for me. I do no computer graphics/art which is what the guy who had the one in the video that I saw was doing, and said that the bleed made it unuseable for him, either that or it was an excuse for buyer's remorse as he wanted to return it. (He had it from xoticpc IIRC.) -
i thought the 074s were immune to it as stated above
and my wallpapers are usually black! -
Well, I just did it again now, and note that the room isn't completely dark, but I noticed when looking straight at the screen it looked mostly black, although when I looked at it from an angle above, or to the side I could see a bit of whitish area at the bottom of the screen... no idea how to interpret that and I've no camera to take photos...
oh man
i guess ill just have to wait for the sager 8662 or the asus k series.
i really wanted to get this notebook but that screen bleed really is a deal breaker -
You should wait for final judgement until someone who can take photos showing what it's really like...
So, seeing the white from a side and above angle is bleed? I thought it was just seeing it when looking directly at the screen from a "normal" usage position. Also someone was querying about the LCD panels in these in the 725 thread(owner's lounge IIRC a while back), dunno whatever came of it as for me I'm happy with the display although I would've GREATLY preferred matte to glossy, or at leasting comparing this glossy panel to what I remember of my 1651 matte panel. -
i just checked right now, no bleeding on mind.
i saw a youtube vid with the screen bleed and it was reaaly bad... -
I have the 074us and there is slight bleed on a completely black screen but only if i look down at it from above. I can only see it on a completely black background and on any other screen there is no issue. I'll post some pics later as I'm headed out for the moment but appearantly it's a common issue. The guy on youtube had a much more severe case then I have though and from what the guys at exotic said and from what I've read it is a common issue with these screen but a very minor one IMO.
i have a little bit of bleed from the bottom and im using the 074 but honestly it doesnt bother me at all really when im browsing the web or playing games, btw empire total war is amazing
Why not just buy one for XoticPC and if its too much for you just return it, they have a 15 day no questions asked return policy.
Unless you get a new screen fitted? legal way that is so you dont void the warrenty.
725 is a great laptop. -
almost all 17" screens have some bleed some way worse than others though but from my experience (with TONS of lcd's) every 17" i have ever seen has some light bleed.
also the bleeds i saw on 725s in youtube were quite bad and obvious from any angle
hope msi corrects this in their future gaming notebooks with led screens coz other than that i think the 725s are tremendous machines
but then again they seem like deal breakers for me -
the thing is im from the philippines and was gonna get one coz my moms in the states right now. i do not have the luxury of having a unit rma'ed to the supplier si i have to be sure of the laptop i get.
Only thing I noticed about the screen, is it seems dimmer than my only 17" LG at 1680x1050. However Its not by much, its just that my old LG had a really reflective screen, and the border around my old LG was much bigger, as for the MSI's have more of a anti-reflective screen, which really works in keeping reflections at a minimum, and the screen almost goes right to the border of the lid. Its really nice.
As for the 4850, well tbh, a GTX280M probably wont be running games a year from now in 1920x1200 if you max it.
If you ask me, its a great laptop. Im playing GTAIV 1920x1200, all high, with the distance and object sliders to 8 and 5, and I get 20-35 fps. Never drops below 20, and it rarely ever goes over 35 outside. But the main thing holding it back is the CPU, Turion x2 isn't nearly as powerful as the quadcores/i7's that gtaiv is meant for. But its smooth and enjoyable.
And if your wondering a Turion X2 Ultra ZM82 is about the same speed as a T7500 C2D, well, at least in WPrime32. According to my tests, the turion scored on a average of 10 tests about .43 a second faster than the C2D.
However the new P8400 intels will blow the amd's right out of the water. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
I've seen several WSXGA+ panels on the 1722's and the bleed has been of varying levels each time. Last one was atrocious with bleed up into the bottom third of the screen. My daughter's 1722 system I just put together has the least amount of bleed I've ever seen on a WSXGA+ panel. Maybe the bottom 1/2 inch if that.
So basically, YMMV.
g725 screen bleed
Discussion in 'MSI' started by trvelbug, Mar 22, 2009.