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    fan 3 not spinning in GS75 stealth even under gaming

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by jojonono, Dec 19, 2021.

  1. jojonono

    jojonono Notebook Guru

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    i have noticed recently when gaming my cpu and gpu temps really high reaching 80c for gpu and 100c for cpu and the laptop for the first time ever shut down i guess coz it was heating ! and when gaming the fan speeds never exceed 3000 rpm~ and fan 3 is not running at all at 0
    the laptop is really silent when gaming ! is this something has to do with bios settings or the MSI Dragon Center ??

    the laptop overall is warm unfortunately and i can only game on medium cpu power OR game on COOLER BOOST WHICH WILL INDEED RUN ALL FANS AT 6-7K RPM !

    i tried to reinstall msi dragon center that didnt help too !

    is it a sofrare or bios issue or a the cooler needs to be reaplced knowing it was replaced under a year ago from the service centre !...

    please assist
