Something is stuck under the keyboard of my gf, im trying to figure out how to disassemble the keyboard in order to clean it. There are 5 small slits on the top under wich i can pry a screwdriver, but when i pull up the keyboard the keys stay in place, only the plastic comes up, so I dont dare to pry very hard because im afraid to break the plastic.
Now im looking for a manual that gives me the right instructions on how to remove that keyboard.
The power panel on the top most be taken out some times there will be clips remove the battery and under it there will be maybe 5 clips use a flat head and pop them up slowly.
Then use your finger nails and pop up the plastic bezel on top where the power button is.
after the the keyboard will have 5 screws take them out and slowly lift the keyboard because the ribbon cable is right under it.
Good luck.
disassemble keyboard on cx620
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Snuurtje, Dec 28, 2010.