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    can someone please help me find an answer to this question!?!

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by mikeydud1987, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. mikeydud1987

    mikeydud1987 Notebook Enthusiast

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    i recently purchased a msi ms1029 whitebook and attempted to put it together. this was about two days ago, and installed everything, booted the comp up and i saw post, and hit delete to go into bios, and after what seemed like it was trying to load the screen just blanked. tried to reboot, comp starts up, fan spins, but nothing shows up on screen, no beeps, nothing. ive been looking through forums and websites since then and found out that memory with cas 2.0 or 2.5 are kinda irky. i have cas 2.5. but here is where my real concern comes in, the cpu i am using is a mobile athlon 64 3200+. i purchased it because reviewing the 1029 at a certain website said that semprons, turions and athlon 64 mobile procs will work with it, but my particular chip runs at 65 w, not the "mobile" wattage of 25. does anyone think that this could be a problem in the long run? does having a higher wattage just make it suck up more juice from the battery and run hotter? its socket 754 and fits just fine, and like i said it booted the first time i tried, but as soon as i attempted to get into bios, failure. as soon as i get out of work im heading to my local circuit city to purchase some ram at cas 3.0 to try that, but i would really appreciate some feedback about the processor, because no one seems to have this kind of information out on the web, and after reading i strongly believe this is the best place to ask.
    Thanks everyone!
  2. gethin

    gethin Notebook Evangelist

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    If the computer just goes "dead", i.e no anything, it is USUALY a cpu overheating problem, not a RAM problem. However its suprising that it would die so quickly, usually it takes a few minutes - around 20/30. Considering ur using a higher wattage mobile processor, this could very well be the case. If you can try running the machine with the case open and a large desk fan placed towards your cpu. If this makes it work permanantly, or for a little bit longer, then you know that overheating is the problem. If it doesnt, then i dont know what it could be.

    If you get through the POST its unlikely to be a RAM fault. so dont waste ur money just yet.

  3. mikeydud1987

    mikeydud1987 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for the fast reply, Gethin!
    The system doesn't "die", meaning shuts off entirely, just the monitor. the system turns on, fan spinning and i dont remember correctly but i believe i heard the hdd spinning too. Basically the system started up and showed it was going through post, said hit delete to get into and configure bios for the first time, hit delete and then bye bye monitor. Normally on a laptop when overheating occurs wouldnt there be a beep or some sort of noise, then the entire system would shut itself off? if so then i dont believe its overheating, atleast not just yet anyway.
  4. gethin

    gethin Notebook Evangelist

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    Have you tried connecting a monitor to the VGA out just incase the laptop is automatically switching its output to the VGA instead of the internal screen.

    as regards over heating, if the cpu gets too hot, it just dies. It might beep in windows, but not whilst in BIOS mode. Ive had my desktop cpu over heat, and windows gave me no warning though, the system just died suddenly.
  5. mikeydud1987

    mikeydud1987 Notebook Enthusiast

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    no i havn't. i can give it a shot when i get back home. is this something common in laptops, like a fail safe feature? then would it be changed in the bios?
    Thanks again, Gethin!
  6. TuxToaster

    TuxToaster Notebook Enthusiast

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    Might need a BIOS update... though that's kind of hard to do if you can't POST. I would try the external monitor as gethin suggested... also check to see if the standby light is blinking. My current MSI laptop (a 1036) is doing just that, and someone else on another forum had a 1029 doing the same type of thing a while back where it would only go to standby... the only difference with those are that both happened after a BIOS update. You could try holding down the Insert key while you boot, from what I understand that should force the CMOS to clear and reload default settings, though I can't confirm that it works. Worth a shot though.
  7. MGS2392

    MGS2392 NAND Cat!

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  8. mikeydud1987

    mikeydud1987 Notebook Enthusiast

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    sorry for not replying back as quickly as i wanted to, i picked up the memory and swaped a 256 mb pc 3200 ddr cas 3.0 and everything works perfectly. i installed windows, and updates, left in on all night and day, temps seem fine, the bottom doesnt get too hot, especially by the cpu. and yes, ive looked and seen the same thing, it supports 25-30W chips, but so far its been running stable, and not as hot as i predicted. overall i think its a really good laptop, setup eas easy, did some research and was able to solve my problem reletivly easy and not costly. im going to be installing half life 2 later tonight to check out the x700's power. just wondering, would it be more beneficial to run omega drivers or ATI official drivers. i swore by omega when i ran it on desktop cards, but i hear they're not as good for mobile chips.
    Thanks again guys for the helpful advice!