i got a notebook which based on msi1762 barebone(medion x7817) and i already did some oc with nvidia inspector, at last i find a nice frequence for daily use: core800/mem900/shader1600. but the problem is each time when i need to apply this oc i need to run nvidia inspector...
so someone please help me to modify the vbios to 800/900/1600(P0), as this vbios already have 0.9v voltage in p0 so i think it's a easy job
thx in advance
View attachment GF114.zip
nobody can do me a favor?
or there is no tool that can modify 670m vbios?
i tried nibitor, cant work... -
You need svets tool, but it is bad idea
well, why its a bad idea?
No need for such a silly tool.
big thx m8, will flash it tonight
flashed, but found some problems:
3d frenquence stay at 594/700, so stay at p1 but don't go to p0, i think can solve this by mod both p0/p1 to 800/900
gpuz information shows the default clock is 35/900/70, don't know why but not a big problem
can u please fix them? -
Hmm, must've switched a byte I guess.
Attached Files:
gpuz works fine but in game still stuck at 594/750, monitor by gpuz and aida64
have no idea about it... -
find more about it
if i start the pc and do nothing, gpu will stay at 594/750 when gaming, but after i run nvidia inspector, it can go to 800/900 in game and will not go back to 594/750 anymore
so i still need to run nvidia inspector to do oc....
can someone please help me do some mod on 670m vbios?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by daheadtuzi, Aug 2, 2012.