are there any up and coming gaming laptops from msi ???
besides the 729 & 725 ???
Last generation was the 627 and 725
Coming the next month or two will be the 628 (GTS 160m) and 729 (1gb 4850). The barebones version of the 628 is already here.
I also think a GX623 (I may have that number wrong) with the ATI 4670 is in the works. -
The GT628 looks interesting. The GTS 160m seems like a great gpu.
I think the barebones gt628 looks better with the all silver look. Getting mine hopefully on the 27th! Can't wait!!!
Howitzer225 Death Company Dreadnought
I'm hoping that the AMD Tigris-based notebooks would include gaming ones. They are due to be out by October.
Don't get me wrong the upcoming GT628 looks fantastic I just didn't want a laptop with RED trim( the MSI 1651 ID2 is more of what I'm was looking for and it does not disappoint, the SILVER trim looks great).
What CPU is yours going to have? -
got the p8700 but I'm planning to buy a quad once i3/i5 processors comes out.
Has this been talked about yet?
MSI confirms Core i7 based notebook with Windows 7 -
New Core i7 note books(15.4" and 17") for between $600 and $900
Can't find any specs on what GFX card it uses, any Idea? -
No idea what GPU it will use but it will require a discrete card or Nvidia chipset since there's no Intel chipset with an IGP that supports the mobile i7. If MSI really wants to release a Win7 ready machine though I'd hope they'd use an ATI 5000 series DX11 capable card. Nvidia isn't going to have their mobile DX11 card ready by the end of the year.
Also I wouldn't put much stock in that $600 to $900 price estimate. The prices on the 3 i7 mobile quads have been reported as $364, $546, and $1054 USD.
Addendum: Found the original Gizmodo article and the $600 to $900 price range is for new CULV based X-Slim notebooks due out and not the i7 notebooks. -
well quads aren't really going to help me out a lot right now since not a lot of programs that i use are optimized for quad core so I'll prolly just wait a couple months
Duo core wont really be existant soon lol. -
With hyperthreading, almost everything will need to be 4-thread plus to make use of CPUs, so quad is good investment. MSI said they'd have multiple 15.4 and 17 inch laptops based on the 3 clarksfield chips coming out soon.
Personally I'm eagerly looking for a 15inch 820m core i7 (45w tdp) and GTS 250m (28w tdp), great power and incredible potential for portability/battery life compared to normal gaming laptops. Or even SLI the graphics it's still lower TDP than the GTS 160m they put in the GT628 and the clarksfield quad would only be like 1w tdp higher... One can dream -
True, but i wont be happy with anything less then gtx 260-280m in an msi machine, but to be honest i dont want any nvidia in the machines lol.
I want to see some real 4870's out with gddr5 or better yet 4890's, or even better 5 serie? -
But it would be nice. -
I would like to know what you need all this power for, may i ask? Do you want to crossfire/sli 4 way your gpu? That wont help you speed up internet speed or increase how fast notepad or win update opens up.
Did you guys know that new 10 core intels would have crysis embedded inside? The new nvidia have 1MB vram..So i kinda hate to bust your bubble..You wont be crossing anything here except that receipt.Oh and 1 more thing your time traveling computers should be good with pac-man and 8 bit megaman at max res and 100AA.
How much it cost for one of em time travelin computers space man?
Yeah well my watch has quads >_>
I winz! -
The GT628 is already starting to become discountinued in Canada so I wouldn't be surprised of new Radeon 4670 & 4850 models
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Yeah the GT627 models are being phased out(I only know one reseller who still has it). The GT628 models are still available at multiple resellers in Canada.
I, for one, am still trying to find a GT628 barebone(the silver trim ones) in Canada. No luck yet -
They are available but that's all, they won't get more. Look at how newegg (both us and canada) don't even have it. I checked 2 stores yesterday, they can special order any notebook in the country but couldn't have this one.Similar things are happening with everybrand, they are phasing the core 2 duo cpus to make room for the i7 coming up next month -
Well yeah that's normal. Remember Intel was technically ready to implement the Calpella platform a few months ago; it was at the request of laptop manufacturers that it's coming out later this year(so they could phase out Montevina based machines).
Basically, the G series will probably just get a rehash with the new platform and maybe a new GPU(although they'd need a bigger heatsink to support a bigger GPU). -
Probably so I'll be waiting another 2 months before changing laptop =D
Well considering they're phasing them, there will probably be a price-drop in which case the MSI G series could become the best "bang for the buck" gaming laptops in Canada.
I honestly don't need much of a new platform CPU considering what I do and the best they can add into a 15" chassis would be a GTX260M/HD4850, but I doubt it considering the other laptops with those GPUs are considerably larger(which indicates the heatsink is as well). -
I don't really need them too but there's no reason to rush for me. My C90S is still living, close to die but still living. (DVD drive doesn't burn anymore, battery almost dead, artefacts often show in-screen (not even gaming)...)
I'm expecting them to drop to the current GT627/GX620 prices so quite cheap. -
Ah well if there's no reason to rush, then by all means wait. I've already started university and I said I'd get a laptop before it started so I'm technically already overdue lol
The GT627 isn't really that much cheaper than the Gt628 from what I saw. The GX62 did drop 300$CAD in the last few months though. -
I firstly planned to change for university so next summer. Will probably be before though. =D
are there any up and coming gaming laptops from msi ???
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Sparky894, Aug 22, 2009.