I've done so much research online I can't for the life of me figure out why this happens. It was happening on my previous GX740 that was faulty, i was hoping this one wouldn't have the same problem - but it does...
When I am typing, in anything, the cursor will jump back randomly into a part of text I've previously written and completely mess up what I was typing. It might not do it for 15 minutes, or an hour, it's completely random..
It's not the touchpad, because it still happens when I've disabled it, even though my arm is never brushing it anyway, i've also tried unticking the box 'hide cursor when typing'- my girlfriend has asus laptop running XP, she has the same issue, it's just BIZARRE that this problem is so wide spread and nobody seems to know why it happens.
I'm using win7 home edition that came with the gx740. I just wish you guys know of a magical fix that I don't know about.
What application are you typing into?
I've seen this happen, but only when using internet explorer and typing text into boxes and such. Internet explorer sucks, if that's what you're using when you notice this, get a different broweser and see if the problem persists. -
it happens in Firefox, chrome, all of them
That use to happen to my old dell, I always thought it was the touch pad.
I haven't done any extensive writing on my GX740 yet (school semester hasn't started yet). But I haven't encounter this issue in my normal everyday typing.
Did you download the newest drivers for the touch pad?
That was one of the first things I did when I got my GX740. -
I just kept the ones that were already installed... could you please link me to them?
I used to have this same problem with my Macbook Pro. Totally random, and I definitely wasn't brushing the touchpad. It would mostly happen in MS Word.
it happens in anything for me..
It's crazy, nobody on the whole internet seems to know why on earth this happens - It's really irritating -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Happens to me too.
I wonder if this only happens to notebooks?
Is it related to the touchpad? -
Pressure on the touchpad as stated however its disabled, check to see if any keys are stuck down, tabs, spaces, enters etc...
Is there any other peripheral involvement whilst you work? (Keyboards, mice etc..) -
Drivers | Synaptics
I have always suspected that this issue was somewhat related to the touch pad (from my experience with my old dell notebook). But I could be wrong with your situation with the gx740, since I did disable the touch pad and try to recreate your issue. If I develop this issue and manage to pin point the source, I'll let you know.
To resolve this issue on my old notebook I always tried to keep the cursor on the bottom right of the screen so any accidental strike on the touchpad wouldn't jump between the sentence I was typing. -
though I have mostly being wasting time playing games -
Well it just happened again, nooooo.. so effin' annoying, I think I'm just going to have to do the 'move mouse somewhere else' before typing thing. I shouldn't have to do this though, and it's so incredibly annoying, it must just be some kind of flaw in the hardware somewhere, god knows, really irritating though.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
haha, this happens to me sometimes, only in msn, and only when i start typing, stop, then try and start again
the cursor is sensitive to arrow keys as well.
The only way to test is to unistall the touchpad, use the gaming mouse and ensure that the distance between you and the nb is optimal, i knw you said you didnt touch the touchpad, bt I too had this issue solely cuz of the touchpad, I just became more careful and adjusted my posture and seating. -
lol, as i said in the first post i have disabled the touchpad, it's impossible that the touchpad is causing this
*end rant* -
This happens to me too all the time. It's the most annoying bug ever. I have the Gx740 too and with all the bad support via phone, I don't think I will ever go back to this brand again.
I also have another bug that if you open media applications, close them, and then game, your FPS is 10-15 until you reboot it. As per warranty terms, I'd be forced to pay 50$ to ship it to MSI via UPS and they send it back 2 weeks later, which is absolutely ridiculous considering it's 2-3 weeks new. -
Sorry to hear it's happening to you too... it is really annoying, apart from this bug I'm really happy with the laptop. (I'm used to the screen now lol)
I've phoned msi and they guy I spoke to was really patronising aswell... 'WELLLLL are you sure it's not the touch pad?!'.... '..............i told you nearly 5 times now I disabled it....'
It's just not good enough really... Such a shame. -
Hey laffles, which programs do you have on your PC?
OS, word processor, music player?
Also which gaming mouse do you use and does it come with its own software? -
This happens on my 640. It is the touch pad. I think that it might be heat from hands or something.
I use a wireless usb mouse, so I disable the touch pad (fn+f3), and the problem no longer occurs. -
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
i don't know if it's weird but i use a combination of both a mouse and the touchpad. Depending on how much I'm typing, if my hands are already on the keyboard, I find myself naturally using the touchpad for some things
a problem that's driving me crazy
Discussion in 'MSI' started by laffles, Aug 13, 2010.