Hello people,
I like to know if there is anybody with the GX740 i5 Edition without modifications or overclocks who went back to Windows XP 32 or 64 bit!
The reason why i am asking is that i am getting pretty tired of Windows 7 and i like to switch back to windows xp.
There are to many things i have encountered that either form a problem or are simply not like i would like it to be.
What i do not know tho is what inpackt that will have on the performance regarding games.
Now, i did read some reviews but as every computer is different, i like to have the opinions from people with the same laptop.
If you are one of the persons i am looking for, could you please perform a 3Dmark06 and provide some general info on your experience with games.
Would be much appreciated.
I don't think Windows XP supports DirectX 11, so any games that utilize that will not be supported in XP.
Windows XP does indeed not support DirectX 11 altho i will be able to play the games with DirectX 9 anyway.
But exactly how much effect does this have?
I am not to well known with the differences regarding that to be honest. -
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
Drivers are your main concern, first find if msi has all of those, then check to see your gpu drivers
I hardly see any reason to go back to xp -
What are your issues anyways? Maybe we can help you with those... the headaches you'll probably encounter finding outdated drivers will make your Windows 7 problems seem like nothing
I did not use Vista,
I came straight from XP user to 7 user.
I do not regret coming to 7 a single bit, why not go with Windows 7? -
I have the GX740, and I LOVE Windows 7 (bearing in mind I am a 2-year Vista user). It's fast, functional, generally non-intrusive, and fun to use. Your laptop, like mine, has no problems or compatibility issues with it, so I see no reason for you to downgrade. You're just hurting yourself in the long-run as more and more software abandons XP and Vista for the 7 playing field.
I am very sorry i could not reply sooner but i was kinda packed with work and usualy to tired to pick up the computer.
It is very different indeed, i guess that is one of the things i do not like because i have to get used to it. I like to know what i can find where exactly and how to change things if i want.
But hey, it's like with relationssometimes you just need a new one to experience the first time sensations again
But to my problems that i have.
1. I cannot play .gif files somehow.
2. When i play the facebook browser game social city it simply laggs a lot when going full screen.
Before i was not able to see video's either in fullscreen but after installing adobe flash player and shockwave player the video problem has bin solved but this little games problem not.
It allows to turn off hardware acceleration but that does not help at all.
What i did notice up till now is that it gets a little bit faster when i put gaming mode and another little bit faster when i plug in the adaptor.
So i am kinda like "???"
My other problem was the startbar but that i managed to solve on my own more or less.
There was something els to but that slipt my mind unfortunatly
Well any tips are more then welcome.
Jim -
You need to embrace change! It makes things much easier. Use the new taskbar, pin your programs to it! Learn to use the Start Menu Search instead of going through the Programs menu. Also you can use it as a Run command or to access any Control Panel option.
I went to XP on my gx640. It was fine, I used it for a few days, but I messed something up because I couldn't find working video drivers out of frustration I downloaded a bunch of bullcrap. Eventually it worked but it wasn't performing like it was supposed to. Then when I recently went back I couldn't find drivers to work for video which pissed me off even more.
Download the chipset drivers on the CD
Use the GX630 drivers for LAN, WIFI, Sound (they have it for XP)
Download Net Framework 2.0
Find Video Drivers that work, last I tried 10.3 worked before then the second time I tried it only gave me the option for the download manager thing, no drivers -.- -
Windows XP SP2 support dies today and a year or so will the SP3 support die too. Get win7.
Anyways for drivers, sorry mate the 10.3,4,5,6 werent for the XP, they were only for vista/7.
Neither is it available on MSi website. -
Is it worth my while to upgrade from windows 7 home to windows 7 pro./ultimate?
https://www.microsoft.com/Windows/windows-7/compare/default.aspx -
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
my motto on those things is: if you're asking no you're not going to use it.
do you use the encryption? The virtualization of XP? those are the most and foremost changes to different editions. -
thanks for your input guys! I guess I'll stick with windows 7 home
and i will stick with windows 7.
I have bin reading some more on the internet about these things.
Thank you for the reply's with info
The only thing i seem not to be able to solve is still having a slow browser while playing flash games in full screen. -
You know people who ask about playing Counter-Strike and 2-D flash games on monster like GX740 are just meant to be ignored, I mean you should buy a netbook if you like flash games.
LamBal26, have you fully updated your graphics card drivers and Flash Player? FP 10.1 takes advantage of parallel computing on the GPU, which should make Flash applications run smoother. -
No intention to be rude -
It's like saying you cannot take a ferrari to drive 500m because it is to fast..
Downloaded the newest flash version and even reinstalled it.
Also tried different videocard drivers without any success... -
I agree with a previous commenter that anyone contemplating using Xp over Window 7 needs to embrace change and leave XP behind. Win 7 offers so much more in security, features and is just a s robust. I can understand using XP versus Vista, but Win 7 is a completely different and better animal.
I am sorry to bring up this post again but the problem is that i have still not resolved my issue with firefox being very slow in flashgames.
I have reinstalled flashplayer and shockwave player a few times without result.
On my desktop computer it is very smooth but on my laptop it is not.
It's also a bit slow without fullscreen but when i use fullscreen it is practicly not playable!
I tried some other flashgames and when they are a bit more easier there is no problem but for example in the facebook flashgame social city it is a bit more demanding and then it will runn pretty slow!
Any other idea's would be much appreciated!!
Windows 7 or Windows XP
Discussion in 'MSI' started by LamBal26, Jun 30, 2010.