The product key was located under my battery. Now I'd like to make a complete disc copy so that if I buy a solid state drive (to use as my primary), I can simply install my copy of windows 7 on it... How do I do that?
You can download Windows 7 from Microsoft and use your key to activate it.
Windows also offers a great utility to install Win 7 on a USB Key ( I suggest a 8 GB) so you can throw other files, Drivers Etc on it for an easy installation
Check the link on these forums out for more info -
You have a GT780dx it should have installed on it MSI Burn recovery, run this and it will basically copy everything on your laptop. This will allow a fresh install to how it was shipped / manufacturers standard, it takes about 3 DVD's to do it and if you format your hard drives and want to start again you simply just put the disc's in the drive and follow the on screen instruction's.
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Post #4973 in the GT780/GT783 Owners Lounge may help when doing a clean Windows 7 installation.
There's also the FREE O&O SSD Migration KIT to clone your hard drive onto the SSD or another hard drive although a clean install with the newest drivers is recommended. -
Thanks - any idea where I could get this: "FREE O&O SSD Migration KIT..."
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
O&O SSD Migration Kit 6.0.368 (64-bit) free download - Downloads - freeware, shareware, software trials, evaluations - PC & Tech Authority Downloads
O&O SSD Migration Kit 6.0.368 (32-bit) free download - Downloads - freeware, shareware, software trials, evaluations - PC & Tech Authority Downloads
Windows 7 came installed without any discs. Can I make a Windows 7 copy?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by newasususer, Jan 10, 2012.