Figured that I would take advantage of the free upgrade on my laptop since I do not use it very often.
I managed to install Windows 10 no issues. It found pretty much all of the drivers from Windows Update.
The few things that were not working like the keyboard lighting I found alternative downloads for newer versions of the KLM and they worked.
Strangest thing though, I have one very serious issue. The computer screen will go black and not turn back on not even on a forced reboot by holding the power button until I pull the battery and give it a hard full reboot.
This happens if I try to log off, switch users, do a normal reboot, I think it also happens if it goes to sleep.
I have disabled sleep, but the other issues are still present and prevent me from using the laptop in this state.
I don't feel its graphics related or anything, its almost like a sleep/hibernate type issue.
Being that I do not post here very often anymore, I was hoping this issue has come up already and a solution has been found.
So any word on this?
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Long time no see Vicious.
I think the issue has something to do with the Intel ME driver on Windows 10, it usually cause system to crash or black screen when system went to sleep mode, try find a newer ME driver from MSI or Intel see if the problem goes away. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Hi Vicious,
Due to WHQL requirement, your BIOS & EC could be outdated and updates are needed to support Win10 properly.
Additionally, Windows Updates do not offer all of the drivers, and even on the drivers they provide they are just there to provide minimal service without unlocking full performance.
It's recommended to go to MSI's support website to download all of the driver packages and update the system thoroughly. If you still have issues then it's better if you just reload Win10 from scratch for best result. -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Reloading Win10 from scratch is the best idea. I did install it on mine (with the free upgrade) and since day 1 it had problems. Not shutting down completely was the first I discovered. It went on a semi-standby state and then it rebooted. Only after the 3rd attempt it turned off correctly. Next my user account pic, wallpaper and dpi would go crazy sometimes (like everything on lowest res). A fresh re-install should fix those but I have some work software I need so can't do it for now.
And guys I'm on latests EC & BIOS revisions. It's an upgrade thing mostly.
FelixLast edited: Sep 16, 2016Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Still working on this lol, want to sell the laptop now so wanted to get it working.
My black screen issue seems video card related.
I will get black screen if I reboot with the intergrated graphics enabled. If I disable them and leave only the nvidia 670m enabled the issues do not happen However the nvidia control panel does not work, tells me no nvidia device is connected to the display.
I have updated and rolled back the IME drivers, I have the newest and best intel HD4000, chipset, nvidia drivers, no fixes.
I just went and grabed the OEM nvida driver for Win 8x64 and wanted to see if that would work, now i cant get the computer to load just stays with the spinning loading cursor.
I think I did a fresh install of Win10 the first time not an in place upgrade, but I'll probably do a fresh install again just to verify. If that does not work guess its back to Win 7.
But curious if anybody else got it working, I'll need to get all those driver files off the machine before I reimage it, some of them were hard to find like the KLM and other special software. -
Does this still happen with an external monitor attached?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Windows 10 on MSI GT70 No Monitor Output @ Reboot
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ViciousXUSMC, Feb 8, 2016.