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    Will these specs cause for too much heat?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by cream626, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. cream626

    cream626 Notebook Guru NBR Reviewer

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    Im about to make my final decision on the MS-16332 and I am a little concerned about the subject of overheating with this notebook, I've heard the AMD x2's process alot of heat. Also, will an upgrade from 1GB RAM to 2GB RAM cause for more heat? Sorry if that question sounds retarded, im a n00b. Any help would be appreciated.

    Here are the specs;

    15.4" WXGA+ Glare
    AMD turion 64 X2 TL-56 1.8Ghz
    Gefore Go 7600 256VRAM
    2GB Corsair DDR-400
    80GB Western Dig. 5,400RPM ATA-100
    802.11 a/b/g wireless

    Would that produce so much heat that it would require extra cooling?
  2. blancj

    blancj Notebook Enthusiast

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    I think you are fine. The "TL" is seems to the only available processor class, at least for now.

    However, I have a MT-34 in my MSI 1029 and I had to buy a laptop cooler. (A odd one inch thick thing with fans.) Because it was getting to hot to have on my legs.

    As for memory, if its running at stock voltage the heat is minimal. You will loose some battery life with 2 gigs over the 1 since the AMD processors dont "turn off" memory its not using when on battery power. How much battery time, I couldnt guess, but I cant believe it would be more than 10 minutes.
    EDIT - make sure you check your memory, you do mean DDR2 right? DDR(1) wont fit in that notebook. And if you are seriously thinking of using DDR2 400 to save money I would suggest getting 1gig of the fastest you can afford over the 2 gigs or DDR2 400

    And I know your not asking for it but....
    Can I make a suggestion?
    Spring for a 7200 rpm drive. They cost a bit more but make a huge difference. My wifes Pentium M should run circles around my laptop, but it losses out every time it has to access the disk, which is only 5400 rpm
  3. ttupa

    ttupa Tech Elitist NBR Reviewer

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    The hard drive at 7200 rpm would definately produce a heat increase. I think you're fine the way you have it. Actually, you're going to see higher timings with higher FSB memory (slower chips, quicker FSB). I'd say if you can afford another gb over a single step up in speed, do it. This is, of course, if you're gaming. If you are not a gamer, don't worry about having 2gb. You won't use it unless photo/video editing, and there is no other performance gain. If you're not gaming, you will see a performance increase with quicker memory at 1gb over 2gb.

    You're fine with heat. If you're gaming, and you add the 7200 RPM HD, you'll get warm for sure. RAM doesn't produce any significant heat increases, but having 2gb will help you game. I'd venture that blancj is right that you can find better (quicker) RAM for the computer. Also, I'd say it won't be much more expensive, and will fit better with the machine's Front Side Bus.
  4. blancj

    blancj Notebook Enthusiast

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    Oh and one other thing....
    I dont know for sure about the 16332 but many MSI notebooks are quite particular about the memory they use. I am not certain Corsair is validated. Typcially they talk about Supertalent or Kingston being good. Though I am less sure about the Kingston.
  5. cream626

    cream626 Notebook Guru NBR Reviewer

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    Well as far as the memory brand, states it as Corsair, and i know thats one of the best. But im wondering about the memory type because on the website states it as 2GB Corsair DDR-400, is the DDR-400 the type i want? because you were mentioning the DDR2 and what not, what does that mean?

    Blancj, i didn't ask for suggestions, but I'd be more than happy if you gave them, because any help right now is appreciated help. As far as the 7,200RPM, 2 reasons why i can't get that. ONE: they don't offer it as an option, TWO: I can't afford that upgrade as well. I decided just to upgrade from 1GB to 2GB because im gona be gaming some and doing multimedia and i thought between that upgrade and the hard drive RPM upgrade, I thought the RAM upgrade would be more useful. thnx for the suggestion though.

    Weird though, on most of the llaptop websites, theres so many more options for different types of memory as well as other things, Flawlesscomputers keeps it so simple, is that good or bad?
  6. aurawolf

    aurawolf Notebook Consultant

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    You will have to get DDR2 not 1 regardless all turion X2's use DDR2, the hard drive being 7200rpm will produce maybe half a degree warmer so I wouldn't worry about that, and Corsair memory should be fine they are one of the better memory out there. Also don't worry about heat to much, most newer laptop CPUs ie, Core Duo/Turion X2 are very good about the heat even though they are dual core.
  7. blancj

    blancj Notebook Enthusiast

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    For my self, I would go fast hardrive and the 1gig memory, provided you spring for the extra $5-$10 for a single stick instead of 2@512, then later when you can come up with the money for the 2nd stick just pop it in. But thats just me, I would rather do it that way then screw around with a drive upgrade later.

    As for the memory, They are most likely selling you DDR2 400. Which is a mistake IMO.
    DDR(1) is basicly older technology that DDR2 is built from. I am unaware of any DDR2-400 with really good timings. (Doesnt mean its not out there though.)
    The main physical difference between DDR(1) and DDR2 is the pin count. DDR2 has a higher pin count. Also, DDR2 runs at faster frequencies, hence 533 and 667. Which for DDR2 does mean faster. (The fastest DDR(1) is about equal the DDR2 667 though, in terms of real throughput.)

    I do have a more basic question for you though....
    Is there a specific reason why your going through Flawless?
    (I ask since I think, again IMO, that their options are limited and in a WAG way I doubt they are actually ready to sell you the 16332. They dont seem to offer all the options needed. like DDR2)
    *Note - I have never had any dealings with them so I dont have anything bad or good to say about them.
  8. cream626

    cream626 Notebook Guru NBR Reviewer

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    well actually, I've been talking to the owner of the company and hes assured me of an amazing deal on the notebook, and I also inquired about the DDR2 memory, he has also assured me that when i buy this notebook, there will be DDR2-667 memory inside. So on paper, everything seems alright, but then again, I'll only find out once i get the notebook right?

    By the way, you said you would rather the 7,200 rpm drive over the 2GB? Even though I'm basically gone be gaming? and what area's would the extra RPM affect? i know you mentionned your wifes notebook blew yours away cause of the RPM, but what, most specifically does the RPM affect, like example wise?

    I really hope this transaction works out because I already had aproblem just recently buying a notebook from I mean not the company itself, but the notebook. The people were really nice and helpful, but i was issued a malfunctioning notebook, i.e. system erros, etc. That was the Asus Z92t, i ended up just refunding my money, I didn't want to have to deal with repairs so early. And the real reason im going through flawlesscomputers is because i talked to the owner and hes hooking me up with a great deal, I can't imagine that he would be lying...heh. They seem somewhat acredited as a firm business, from the several reviews i read. but iono. And why you ask I am going through them? well besides the obvious reason that hes giving me a great deal, there were actually only two other resellers online that sell this notebook(MSI MS-16332); and and out of the three, were definitely giving me the better deal.
  9. blancj

    blancj Notebook Enthusiast

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    Drive speed - there is one certainty about computers right now. The harddrive is the slowest part of it. I have a 7200rpm and my wife has a 5400. my 7200 (both IDE) reads nearly twice as fast as my wifes, meaning anytime the system needs something from the disk, in a read operation anyway, its going to be noticabley faster.

    Flawless - Okay. if you feel comfortable with them, go with them. (I can see the website being the last thing to update...)

    BTW the spec's you PM'ed me look good. (already replied.)
  10. flawlesscomputers

    flawlesscomputers Notebook Geek

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    ...I believe Gerard bought a wonderful notebook from us. He was obviously proud enough about his purchase to write a full-blown review on this site. Thanks for your opinion though.