Does anyone know if the 6 cell battery will stick out like the 9 cell batteries do on thinkpads?
I hate the way this looks - I'd rather carry an extra battery around.
I noticed the pics of the Eee 901 that has a 6 cell battery didn't have anything protruding, so I'm hoping the same is true for the Wind.
Also, the dimensions on Wikipedia re the same except for the weight, which is understandable.
It won't stick out, but it will raise the notebook a little bit.
Approximately how much would the 6 cell cost?
Most estimates are around $100 US
Have you got/seen the eeePC extended batteries. There are at least 2 different extended batteries for the eeePC and the 10400 mAh one does stick out considerably. It sticks out downwards and raises the rear of the machine -about an inch. It is also noticeably heavier.
well I've already ordered the 3-cell version, and plan to swap in the 6-cell battery when it's available so guess I can do my own comparisons
Will the 6 cell battery stick out?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Ender17, Jul 15, 2008.