Love the laptop, absolutely hate the keyboard. Once in a while letters don't get typed, and I have to bang on it twice as hard as my two previous laptops.
Instead of just complaining, I thought, "Would it be possible to eBay for another keyboard and replace it?" The manual doesn't mention this sort of stuff obviously. Anyone here has had an experience substituting a laptop keyboard?
i really hated my keyboard when i first got my 1029 but i have grown to like it. i have adjusted my typing to compensate for the keyboard. i do have to say that the 1029's keyboard is far superior to some of the dells that have come across my desk at work lately. at some point when i have time i will remove the keyboard and try to stiffen the arrow keys. to much flex for me in the lower right corner.
scott -
i bought an MSI-1209, but i have only had it one day, and the keyboard stopped working altogether. sometimes some keys will work, but only while holding down another key.
Any ideas how to get it to work? or is going to have to be sent back to the retailer? havnt been able to contact them this weekend, as its easter and they will be on holiday.
Using a usb keyboard at the moment by the way. -
I hated the keyboard when I began using it. The keys were ultra stiff and not very responsive.
However, after some use, the keys have become easier to strike. The keyboard still does not compare to those that come on the Fujitsu, Compaq's or some of the old Sony VAIO's.
Does anyone know if a keyboard from a different manufacturer can be installed?
Who hates their MSI keyboard (I've MSI 1029)
Discussion in 'MSI' started by delpieropadova, Apr 14, 2006.