Anybody know what would cause white blotches to appear on an LCD screen and do any of you have the same problem? They aren't pixels but rather white blotches that seem to appear in the very back of the screen. Gradually, more and more are appearing and I'm not sure what to do about it. I don't use any harmful chemicals to clean my screen or anything.
I was wondering if it could possibly be pressure damage but I'm not sure.
Pics? That would help a diagnosis :0
The pictures don't really show much of a big deal but they stand out much more than they show. -
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
very, very odd indeed. When you say "very back of the screen", do you mean you can't wipe them off?
its almost for sure the coating on the rear of the glass lifting. ive seen it many times and is not fixable i deal with prob 50-100 or more lcd's a month in my shop. is it glossy or matter? looks kinda transulcent right like a hologram or something behind the panel? if so than its what i said above. not usually from pressure its prob just the screen itself i see maybe 1-3 a month that people bring in like this from various manufactures. im kinda the go to place in my area for panels and replacement so i see a lot of them
Also, do you know what causes this and do you think it would be covered under warranty? I haven't had it for a full year yet. -
no the layers are supposed to be stuck together you can not pull them apart or you will destroy the lcd. the issue you are seeing is the layer coming up from where its supposed to be glued down to.. yes if you bought it authorized it should be covered by msi within 1 year
Thanks, I'll talk with MSI and if I can't get it fixed otherwise, I'll just buy a replacement LCD screen.
White blotches gradually appearing on GT725
Discussion in 'MSI' started by deathstryker, Dec 31, 2009.