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    Which would you do? 1722 or 1651?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by NecessaryEvil, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. NecessaryEvil

    NecessaryEvil Notebook Evangelist

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    I initially ordered a 1651-ID3 for $300, and bought a T7250, 4gb RAM, and planned to use my 320gb/5400 and 4965 I had lying around. I would have liked a high resolution, but I already have a T61p with 1920x1200 I plan to do all my day to day stuff on. 1280x800 runs 720p just fine, and 1680x1050 will only really help me outside of Windows (where I'd be using the T61p)

    Now, I've got a lead on a 1722-ID2. A friend of mine is wanting the black & red version, or the 1651. He doesn't have the budget for the black & red, and the black and silvers don't have optical drives.

    If I have to pay $100 more than the 1651 for the 1722, would it be worth it to sell my friend my 1651?

    Other than higher resolution, Quad support, an additional USB, and more/better speakers, what would the 1722 give me?
  2. zfactor

    zfactor Mastershake

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    nothing but be a 17" besides what you mentioned if you dont take the red black 1722 lmk i am looking for one
  3. NecessaryEvil

    NecessaryEvil Notebook Evangelist

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    Are the speakers that much better?

    I've gotta say, I hold the Dell E1705 as having the best all around sound of any of the notebooks I've used thanks mostly to that subwoofer. My old HP DV9548US (now my wife's) probably takes 2nd.

    Sound is important for a multimedia notebook. While I don't require miracles, I do expect either one to be better than my Thinkpad. If the 1722's 4.1 really packs that much of a punch over the 2.0s of the 1651, that alone could decide it for me.

    The 9600 I know won't replace my 8800 in my desktop (although I'm considering a ball-to-the-wall build with 8gb RAM and a Q9100 and selling off my tower rather than simply moving the 4gb and T7250 over to it)...but it'll be better than the 8600GS in the HP or the Quadro 570m in my T61p...and they handle Source games just fine.
  4. zfactor

    zfactor Mastershake

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    no the speakers are not "that" much better imo. yes they are better but they are not great they are still decent speakers for a notebook much better than the sager 5796 but not nearly as good as the xps1730 and toshiba's are the so called sub's are all a joke on these systems except maybe the toshiba they have prob the best sound setups around

    imo you would be better with like a t9800 and use the built in turbo function if needed to get up to almost 3.6ghz in either the 1651 or the 1722 than the q9100. that and the q9000 are just so underclocked for what they cost i would not get one. or if your going all out get the qx9300 then yes id take that any day over the dual core.

    i have both sitting here and imo there is really little difference other than one is a 17" and the other is a 15.4". the 1722 can use the quads where the 1651 cant but for a multimedia system you dont really need a crazy cpu

    the 9600 is a decent overall card it will do a great job as a all around gpu