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    Which GE75 RTX 2080 or 2070 Difference is 500$ is it Worth It

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by davaid, May 28, 2019.

  1. davaid

    davaid Notebook Enthusiast

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    I have placed an order with HID evolution for the Raider-048 which is an RTX 2080 for special price at 2299$ then later they have the Raider-049 with RTX 2070 on sale for 1799$, I am a casual games not everyday gamer or long terms, I can use the extra money to get Oculus Rift S, the difference between the two is only the RTX 2080 and extra 256GB for the Raider-48 (the more expensive one) and bigger battery but is it really worth it for the FPS?

    I really need your advise and expertise. as if I get the higher one the I can kiss the Rift good bye..
  2. Support.1@XOTIC PC

    Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative

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    Honestly, if it was me. I would personally go with the 049 with the 2070. It is still a great card and at a way better price point, since you aren't doing super demanding games it should be a champ for what you need it for
  3. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    More than every day gamer or long term gamer is mostly about what you expect. If you don't mind setting graphics to medium and the like, it's not worth it to spend more to the 2080, since the 2070 is still plenty powerful.

    The 2080 is a more powerful GPU and will last longer at higher settings, but both will still be playable no matter which game.

    If you do plan on using your budget for laptop+VR headset, then go for it, the 2070 is good enough.
    custom90gt likes this.
  4. 95bat

    95bat Notebook Enthusiast

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    I recently tried VR for the first time and it is super fun. I'd totally get the 2070 and VR headset.

    The Samsung Odyssey+ is on sale for $299 right now, great price!
  5. Kevin

    Kevin Egregious

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    I personally would not pass on the chance to get the 2080 for the regular price of the 2070. That's just me though.
  6. MattLangley

    MattLangley Notebook Enthusiast

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    If you haven't seen this already, notebookcheck reviewed both the 8th gen intel 2070 and 2080 versions[]=308216&specs[]=308057

    On the 2080 The Witcher 3 nets about 30%-50% improvements and Rise of the Tomb Raider nets about 56%-68%.

    Definitely a solid improvement but only you can judge if it's worth the price. The ge75 2070 is still a great gaming laptop. I will add that since this laptop doesn't have gsync those higher framerates will help fight off tearing/stuttering you might see at lower framerates too.

    Honestly based on your own qualifications I think you'd be fine with the 2070, I'd recommend getting a cooling pad for either to maximize your performance (the CPU can get pretty hot and throttle it seems).
  7. davaid

    davaid Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yeah but I think the comparison is not accounting for the single channel that the RTX2070 is running with, as the difference no way can be that huge, it’s a bottleneck to have a single channel hence the comparison is not really valid
  8. gdmaddog

    gdmaddog Notebook Guru

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    It all depends on the price differential and intended purpose of the laptop. If its only a couple hundred bucks and you can afford to future proof then it might be worth it. If you are gaming primarily on the laptop monitor and not some big 40"+ 4k HDR monitor then maybe the RTX2070 is enough. For me the only choice was the RTX2080. I use mine as a desktop replacement and seldom use the 17" screen. I paid a little less than the HID Evolution price with one of those 20% off coupons from Frys. They even extended the savings to another stick of ram and a second Samsung NVMe 1TB drive which made for an incredible deal.
  9. MattLangley

    MattLangley Notebook Enthusiast

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    It might, certain games show no difference while others show a huge difference. There are plenty of comparisons on notebookcheck though, heres another 2070 that does narrow the gap, which could be the dual channel memory or it could be this has less CPU throttling (decide for yourself)[]=308633&specs[]=308057

    Heres that 2070 vs the GE75 2080

    Witcher 3 - 17%-28%
    Rise of the Tomb Raider - 17%-26%

    So much more in line with what one would expect, though certainly a healthy upgrade. Again whether that performance is worth the price is up to you. How important are those FPS vs VR.
  10. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Things to keep in perspective is that we are discussing a healthy upgrade in performance from already high end performance---- Those games are already playable in max settings at good fps. It's a different picture when dealing with lower end hardware where you risk having very bad performance in games which is not the case here.

    Now onto VR. Since VR is trying to be as widely playable as possible, I was able to play most VR games from my VIve back when I had a 980m GPU which is considerably weaker than a 2070, like the 2070 is about twice as powerful.

    when I upgraded to a GTX1080, my experience changed but not in fps, but in quality. I was running at the same fps, but now I could push supersampling to make things sharper. The 2070 and 1080 are about the same and should bring similar performance, so I think that VR is easily possible with a 2070, and the 2080 at best would bring a bit higher resolution somewhat in some games, but the experience would be largely similar.

    But anyways, I don't think anyone disagrees that there is a marked upgrade in performance between a 2070 and 2080, but as you pointed out, whether it's worth it or not is entirely up to TC, but just leaving some perspective from my side, I don't think it's as important in VR or casual gaming when dealing with high end hardware.

    There is also the matter of dual channel memory but that's another story (and very true, as I also experienced the disparity in performance until I upgraded to dual channel ram in my GS75).
    custom90gt likes this.
  11. MattLangley

    MattLangley Notebook Enthusiast

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    Absolutely, all of these things are highly subjective and depend on how important they are to you. For example if you are use to higher framerates on a desktop and high frame rate monitor then getting a good 20-30fps could be a huge difference. Certainly going from 60 fps to 80-90fps can be a massive experience improvement. Likewise maybe you keep the lower framerate but increase the visual settings. It also depends on the type of game too, games that have an ancored 3D camera like in first or third person games with a lot of high speed movement those frames could make a huge difference. Top down or iso style cameras a whole lot less.

    To be clear in my original post I personally recommended going the 2070 and getting the VR based on " I am a casual games not everyday gamer or long terms".

    The 2080 is the best laptop GPU and I think that's not really necessary unless you already know those fps are worth it. For the record I am waiting for my GE75 2080 9880h to be delivered in a few days, but I also have a desktop rig with a 2700x, 1080ti, and UW 34" 120hz monitor. I'm definitely a big gamer but I think most of those things aren't worth it for people that aren't since they just wont get that value.

    Basically I fully agree with
    "I don't think it's as important in VR or casual gaming when dealing with high end hardware."

    I still would vote the 2070 for anyone but a serious gamer.
    ryzeki likes this.