So, I was having trouble sending information to my Nokia N82 with the Toshiba bluetooth stack that came installed on my GT725. I have another laptop that has the basic but FUNCTIONAL widcomm stack that is included with Vista, so I figured I could simply swap stacks, as I had before on another pc. Well, after uninstalling the Toshiba stack, my computer says there are no bluetooth devices connected, when trying to install the widcomm stack. .
My biggest issue now is the fact that I did not have system restore on, and cannot roll back to the Toshiba stack that I uninstalled. I need to find that stack, or one that WILL work. I cannot find drivers ANYWHERE for my computer, on the net, most notably at MSI's own site, and its driving me up the wall. I really need some help, i need my bluetooth functionality back... Thanks.
There are drivers on MSI's site... -
how the **** did you find that?! HAHAHA
I searched all over that site, couldnt find em.
Well thank you SO VERY much, I'm quite thankful. -
You can also cmd them on the toshiba website.
Where to find MSI GT725 Toshiba Bluetooth (stack) Drivers?! or any, for that matter?!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by mathico, Jun 27, 2009.