I've seen many here recommending rawpowerpc, but I need just the laptop itself, without any components, and they don't offer that.
Also seen many recommending Xmeld, but their reseller ratings are less than stellar.
Found eWiz, with good reseller ratings, and a good price, but their website claims that the laptop is warranted through the manufacturer only, whereas I understand that the support must come from the reseller on these machines.
Where did you buy your 1029?
Ewiz is not an actual reseller in the sense that Rawpower and Xmeld are. You won't get a direct wrranty from stores like Ewiz that don't assemble.
I could be wrong, but I think you do need to get level 1 support from your reseller, even if they are selling it barebone.
I know when I try to register my 1029 with MSI, on the web site, it tells me I have a white book and am not eligable and that support shoudl be obtained from the reseller.
I also suspect, though havent needed it yet, that if I have a warrenty issue, I would need to send it to my reseller then they would, if needed, send it back to MSI. -
Has anyone here purchased from Buyxg.com ? they have a 7++ rating on resellerratings (not as good as istnc) but they're about a hundred or so dollars cheaper than the other "assembled" 1029's specced out.
Components are cheaper.. but well.. if you're on a budget then they look pretty good.
Add: Most of the resellerrating negatives were from bulky desktop purchases.. so I couldnt judge from that.. Anyone here get a notebook from them?
thanks -
MSI runs their warranty through their resellers, so it is a little more difficult to get service if something goes wrong and you've ordered through one of the 'parts only' style stores instead of a builder. -
Not to try to ride "The Shark" (any one seen that commerical btw? Very Funny) <read - step on CoffeeShark>
I have read a few things that to me, from memory, suggest that MSI whitebooks have a 1 year warranty, but you have to go through the reseller. (Dont quote me, I dont have any of the would be doc's in front of me.)
So I suppose at the point it all depends on the "parts only" shop. How's the support and service?
When I had an issue it took forever to get someone on the phone, but when I did they were reasonably helpful, in that "dont really know the product" kind of way. That was at least two months after I bought it, and they had/have a 30 day policy too. -
eWIZ won't give you support per say, but they will help you get an RMA. I have bought two laptops from them, about amoth ago I bought a ms-1036 and just this monday and ms-1029.
I would go ewiz, but I will say that the ms-1036 did not come with a little logo badge that covers the cut out on the back. All you need to do if you don't get one is send and email off to ewiz and they will send you one! I got a badge for the back of the 1036 and it just says "notebook" but whatever right? -
try Acool.com. bought my MS-1022 barebone from them. they have an RMA online form available in case one would be needing it. Xmeld.com also now offers just the barebone machine itself as stated in their Xmeld Weblog dated March 9, 2006.
I'm really confused here. If I don't get it from a retailer like Raw Power PC or XMeld, I'm NOT going to get the 1 year MSI barebone warranty? Because although their rating is low, Page Computer has an awesome deal on the MS-1036. Under $1000!
MSI will honor the warranty, however it is supposed to go through the reseller - that's the problem people are having with buying barebones and then needing service.
the MSI warranty is tied to the serial number on the laptop, so MSI really doesn't care where you bought it. It can be a hassle if the reseller doesn't help you out, that's all.
As stated by MSI:
If you purchase a MSI whitebook (eg. MS-1012, MS-1013, and so on) or a powered by MSI system, please contact your direct seller for warranty service.
Online MSI registration is only for MSI prebuilt systems (S260, S270), so again, the reseller should be the first line of support on the whitebooks.
Where to buy MSI 1029
Discussion in 'MSI' started by tokamak, Mar 20, 2006.