I got scammed buying a new GP63 8RF-630NE without a cpu-fan. I am now trying to buy a cpu-fan but I have no clue which one to buy. MSI refuse to assist me and Im going nuts. Does anyone have any information or can guide me? I know I have E32-2500204-A02 heatsink and 607-16P51-03S motherboard. I also have pictures of the inside if that is needed. As I dont seem to find any cpu-fans for gp73 maybe it uses same fan as other model, like the Ge73rc or Ge73rd etc.
I would appreciate any help I could get. Thank you!
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
If it's brand new you could take it back to where you got it from.
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
Here you can see how the 2 compare when open:
gp63 8rx: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5VF0VKle0-s/maxresdefault.jpg
ge63 8rx:
I know for sure the heatsink of the ge73 8rx would not fit... but if you have the cover of the fan with the heatsink attached to it, the size of the fan itself might be the same... And ge72vr or ge62vr fans won't fit as the 8th gen has a different cooling layout and more vents (2 per fan instead of 1)
Worst case you can buy the whole heatsink assembly. Sth like: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-...h=item286f5dd0a0:g:qZMAAOSwVRBcAHaR:rk:1:pf:0
PS. for correct part numbers I recommend you contact MSI - they might even be able to sell you a fan if you explain your situation: https://www.msi.com/about/contact-usLast edited: Dec 21, 2018 -
I found this website https://www.barbar-dator-flaktar.se/barbar-dator-cpu-flaktar.html that sells CPU fans. But as mentioned below I have no clue what fits and they are pretty expensive. -
But do contact MSI and ask for the part number to be sure, they CAN give you as much as that. If not, patiently ask to speak with a manager. -
I cant belive they will not give out any information.
https://imgur.com/a/wDIyYiL -
Here is the full heatsink and fan setup.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/MSI-GP63-L...h=item363df30abb:g:f3QAAOSwze5bxO2b:rk:1:pf:0 -
Looking at this, I see no difference. -
Why I was worried about the heatsink in the first place was because I did not know if the heatsink was damaged or sth but from the pic it looks fine... Inspect it for any dents and check if it was not bent or so just to be sure. The 15 and 17 inch versions of the assembly would not be identical due to the different size of the laptop I figured. But you don't need to care about that at all, you only need the fan. -
The only thing I can see biting you, is they keep mentioning that the heatsink is cold soldered to the fans. I haven't taken mine apart yet, but if that is the case, is there any damage to anything?
I mean look at this video there are plenty of stickers etc inside the laptop that are totally MISSING in yours!! What the hell happened to it?? No one knows...
I mean are you sure you can't just get your money back and send this piece of mess to whoever tried selling it to you? -
I feel for you man. Go ahead and get the cpu fan if it seems like the rest of the laptop works. It's possible the fans were rattling from factory like my cpu fan did and the person tried to open and lubricate them, killing one completely in the process. To be fair, if you did open a game or sth before buying it the laptop would have overheated and crashed. Not even speaking of the fact there would be obviously no air coming out of one side, which would have been a red flag. I recommend to bring along a friend who knows about the product you are buying next time - if you are buying a second hand car you would also want someone with you who knows what to look for (that is my sincerest advise to you in life).
PS. Take the heatsinks off the cpu and gpu and make sure there is no liquid metal on there. Seeing what this person did to the laptop I would not be surprised and incorrect liquid metal application can totally short out the motherboard if it seeps out making it nothing but trash. Be careful when taking it off and have some normal thermal paste ready on hand as you will have to reapply it either way. You can take the old one off with alcohol wipes (as close to 100% as you can get) - or brake cleaner. Or they sell cleaners made for it specifically. Just if it is liquid metal, do make sure to not let it come off the cpu and/or gpu die area as again... it can short out the motherboard if it gets on there. Do this AFTER you disconnected the battery (always disconnect the battery first even for the fan replacement).Last edited: Dec 22, 2018 -
The support on msi insured me that the temps were normal and the maximum would be 95 degrees Celsius. The support instructed me to shut down the test and report on how fast the temps where going down. So I informed him that it was going
down 1 degree at a time, and he confirmed that this was normal. Later I found out from a friend who have the same laptop but gtx 1060 model and he said when shutting down the stress-test, the temps should go down immediately. As you said,
lesson learned the hard way. I will contact msi again now to double check what brand the SSD and HDD is and the speeds to see if that is even matching. Its all a mess my friend, I just wish that atleast the laptop will run normal after I insert the
fan and apply thermal paste. Regarding thermal paste, are there any to be preferred in laptops? or is it the same as the desktop one? Also big thanks for helping me out, I was going nuts and you gave me faith, thank you for that. -
Please be careful when taking the heatsinks off, in case there is liquid metal on there... I mean liquid metal can lead to amazing thermal results if done right (nail polish or sth around the chips to prevent liquid metal getting on them, taping off around it, applying just the correct amount etc... but if done wrong: boom and it will never turn on again cause the motherboard will get shorted. And yep this can happen over time as the liquid metal shifts from under the heatsink due to transportation etc... it's the one thing I don't recommend anyone to use unless they can afford to scrap the laptop or pc.
PS. I looked at the pics you linked some more... there are some more questionable things... can you open it and inspect the ssd slot (the black plastic it slides into) as well as the wifi one and ram ones etc, it seems it's kinda grey-ish while the disassembly video I linked has those pretty much black...? Might be light but look for traces of water damage. Idk if msi has a water damage indicator but that would explain the missing stickers (attempt to clean everything out - plus the stickers could have had traces of liquid on them etc). Nevertheless a laptop with water damage might still run for years after, my bf spilled beer a few times on his asus and that thing still somehow lived. -
Oh my bad, you already did have the heatsink off to take out the gpu fan, didn't realize you needed to do that with this model - was being kinda blind. So you do need to put on new thermal paste no matter what now as they are not reusable - once the heatsink is lifted you cannot reuse it due to air pockets forming etc.
. Anyway, here you go, here are pics of everything.
The cpu thermal paste does not look so good tbh, should it be taken off immediately?
https://imgur.com/a/32jeOxk?fbclid=IwAR1FH0CUOvbzPf7mvjqZ1eFW2siXaznTPvnxH0x6Gbmg17SnFEe4pyMdg_8 -
Sigh... I still think it looks suspiciously as if there were water/other liquid damage to the laptop. Hard to tell from pictures... And are there no thermal pads at all on the heatsink??? Wth? You need to order those too but I don't know which thickness those should be... ffs you have the worst luck ever man. Look at this video, you can clearly see there are supposed to be LOTS of pads!
PS. I truly hope you did not spend too much of your money on thisBetter save up for a few more months and buy a new one next time...
because why else would you remove stickers etc, I don't even know if I am missing screws because there are a lot of empty holes. I don't know how to check for water damage, maybe this was some
kind of insurance fraud and the seller poured water on it to claim money then resell it. Regarding furmark. We ran the cpu-burner for about 13min at his place. Because of the high temps I asked for
a screwdriver at his place and according to him he did not have the right size. So I could never take a look inside. So I called Msi support instead to confirm that everything was normal. Stupid msi support.... -
PS. not sure if lightning or real, but the text on some of the chips seems faded/not legible. That would also be a possible sign of liquid damage. -
What type of CPU-fan does GP73 have?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Behappypro, Dec 21, 2018.