My wife wants to replace the keyboard of her Fangbook C-series. I know it is a MSI built system - MS-16GC is on the bottom. What model is this actually? Where might I be able to get a new keyboard? It is out of warranty.
I believe MS-16gc is ge-60, but even ge-60 are different depending on year and version. I think older ge-60 had blue backlit steelseries kb, where newer ones have multi colored steelseries, not sure if it matters but connector and logic could be different.
this is one of places selling them:
maybe give them a call, I never used them so can't vouch for their service.Last edited: May 16, 2015 -
Please make a Photo from the current Keyboard. When you see 2 white lines on the Space Key, than you can use all MSI Keyboards with the white lines (GX60, GX70, GT60, GT70, GE60, GE70, MS-16F3, MS-16F4, MS-1762, MS-1763 etc)
like this: -
Yes, it has the two white lines on the space bar. Thank you very much!
What model of MSI is the Fangbook Series C?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by flyboynm, May 16, 2015.