Hey guys,
I was wondering what kind of optical drive I need for the MSI 1651. I want a DVD Burner.
Anyone have links with compatible drives...
Also, what wires do I need... an SATA cable? I'm planning on buying a 1651 without the optical drive.
how are you buying a msi 1651 without a dvd drive? Its a included part even with the barebones.
Some models sells without the dvd drive.
Well if it doesn't come with the cd drive it should at least come with the front plate for when you do add a cd drive. They use a sata/slimline connection, so just about any sata slimline drive should work.
Cool.. thanks guy.
Also, I've seen adds all over the net for DVD units for that model without even specifically looking for them. A few months ago when I was doing searches for 1651 info about 3/4 of the results would be for DVD units for that model.
Also, most of the base chassis re-sellers either sell them with drives in them already or have them available from their sites for just about the same price IIRC as I'd seen them elsewhere on the web separately. (Lots of ebay listings at the time...)
Also if the base chassis is c. $600 it should already be coming with the drive, ask your vendor if you're not sure. -
Something to think about, even though I don't have one, but a cool feature of the 1651 is that it'll take a blu-ray drive.
The BR drive is about ~4 times the cost of the normal Super multi DVD+/-RW. Not really worth it IMO unless you are already big into BR, as you can always swap one in later when they fall to sane prices...
So what drive did you end up getting? I'm in the market!
[email protected] Company Representative
The drive you need is part # 957-16511E-101
The original release WXGA models did not ship with an installed drive. They also did not include the bezel or mounting brackets.
The msi drive includes the correct bezel and brackets. If you purchase an aftermarket drive you will have no way to mount it and the oem slim drive bezel will interfere with the chassis. -
anyone happen to have a link to or know where to pick up a a blueray drive for a MS-1651 id3 model at?
After you purchase the mutli drive from another source the money you saved on buying the model without the drive is negated.. Your also only getting the WXGA screen.
my 1651 is on its way in the mail think i bought it from you ocon.
happen to have links to the blue ray drive? -
no links to the blu-ray but if you bought it from me optical is included.
if you bought it with the dvd drive the bezel comes right off and you can swap in a blu ray from anywhere like newegg. just swap the two front bezels on them and put the new blu ray in with the old bezel
What kind of Optical Drive do I need for the MSI 1651
Discussion in 'MSI' started by SBHawk, Jan 24, 2009.