I am looking into getting a new laptop but since I am switching from a mac I am a hardcore newbie. Is there that big of a difference between the two? Which do you guys recommend I get? I read that somewhere that the 870 may cause heating issues but I am not sure if that is true or not.
Looks to about 10-20% performance difference.
GeForce GTX 870M vs 860M
What you may want is a 970m based GS60. It is more powerful than an 870m but more importantly, it uses less power, so it runs cooler and the battery will last longer.
GeForce GTX 970M vs 860M
You can find it here, and it's still cheaper than a Macbook Pro.
XOTIC PC | MSI GS60 Ghost Pro 4K-079 - NVIDIA Maxwell GTX 970M w/ 4K Screen -
and it is not that bad in scalling also what i've seen in the showroom.
If you're asking if you can play games at lower resolutions on a 4K screen the answer is yes.
The resolution is 3480 x 2160 which is a 16:9 aspect ratio. Changing your desktop or games to lower 16:9 resolutions like 1920 x 1080,1600, ×, 900 and 1280x720 should work well.
4K resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is the difference between the gtx 860m and the gtx 870m for the GS60 GHOST?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by mrod97, Oct 20, 2014.