Using the 11.4 preview drivers and also a few previous versions I set the clock to 700Mhz to match up with the 5870 and doing to tests, one in ATI Control center and one with furmark I seems to pass. The temperature never gets above 94, so I'm pretty sure it's fine-
When I OC after a few seconds I get a flickering in the top of my screen. I also tried to downclock and the same happends. When I reset to default the problem disappears. So I'm pretty sure this is software related.
Any suggestions to resolve this ?
Abybody who knows of a program where I can OC my gpu?
AMD GPU clock tool can do the trick. And you can even make separate shortcuts with preset clocks.
Now this is even more interesting. I uninstalled, reinstalled, got problems with the driver and had to do a uninstall through safe mode. Then I reinstalled, and now the problem is gone, and even better. The temperature never exceeds 82 C
Which is 10 below my normal. This is awesome.
Btw, still using the 11.4 preview driver
Weird problem when I OC/DC my GPU
Discussion in 'MSI' started by SomethingLame, Apr 9, 2011.